simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 Build phpBB3 - Development Docker Master - PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package #1199 (PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199) started building on agent Docker simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 Executing build phpBB3 - Development Docker Master - PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package #1199 (PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199) simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 Checking out into /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 Updating source code to revision: 88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:22 Fetching 'refs/heads/master' from ''. simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:23 Checking out revision 88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec. simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:23 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP/.git'. simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:23 Cloning into '/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP'... simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:23 done. simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:26 Already on 'master' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:26 Updated source code to revision: 88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:26 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:26 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector command 22-Oct-2023 14:19:26 Substituting variable: ${} with /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP simple 22-Oct-2023 14:19:26 Starting task 'Build image' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-docker-plugin:task.docker.cli' command 22-Oct-2023 14:19:26 Beginning to execute external process for build 'phpBB3 - Development Docker Master - PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package #1199 (PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199)'\n ... running command line: \n/usr/bin/docker build --force-rm=true --tag=phpbb:php-8.1 /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\n ... in: /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=master\nbamboo_repository_75956230_previous_revision_number=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_Git=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_buildKey=PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\nbamboo_shortPlanName=Development Docker Master\nbamboo_planRepository_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_repository_75956230_git_branch=master\nbamboo_buildNumber=1199\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_phpunit_PHPUnit=/usr/bin/phpunit\nbamboo_repository_75956230_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_shortJobName=PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_repository_75956230_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=65929217\nbamboo_planName=phpBB3 - Development Docker Master\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=DDM\nbamboo_shortJobKey=P5SP\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_65=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-10-22T14:19:22.783Z\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6_0_16=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/usr/share/maven2\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=master\nbamboo_buildResultKey=PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=master\nbamboo_buildPlanName=phpBB3 - Development Docker Master - PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_repository_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_repository_75956230_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=master\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_phpunit_PHPUnit_3_4=/usr/bin/phpunit\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_repository_75956230_branch_name=master\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=master\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=PHPBB3-DDM\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/usr/share/ant\nbamboo_repository_75956230_revision_number=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\nbamboo_planKey=PHPBB3-DDM\nbamboo_capability_local=true\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=master\n error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #0 building with "default" instance using docker driver error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #1 transferring dockerfile: error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #1 transferring dockerfile: 511B done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #1 DONE 0.0s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #2 transferring context: 2B done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #2 DONE 0.0s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:27 #3 [internal] load metadata for error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #3 DONE 1.0s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 [1/6] FROM error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 resolve 0.0s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:aee5882c68f359bba26d496521f9bf700b8f8728f68697adb4917f6135e2e687 1.86kB / 1.86kB done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:14cd9ce27b12470bdf4e400460da9ead1be3fb476b708bf2d3c0fc229b1a52c1 2.20kB / 2.20kB done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:20ad076dff2ee9b3f3f22002a0376585f329a1520f17968ed711ec81aac8c56e 0B / 227B 0.1s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 0B / 104.35MB 0.1s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:751da755d1df07dd4302b8521bc94c00bcb69be94d820376c1eb7934988d08e7 9.85kB / 9.85kB done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea 0B / 29.15MB 0.1s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:20ad076dff2ee9b3f3f22002a0376585f329a1520f17968ed711ec81aac8c56e 227B / 227B 0.1s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:d71c28a645649b1de350bae417729f630041edea705feac3f1b231a45e7def23 0B / 271B 0.2s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea 5.24MB / 29.15MB 0.3s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:d71c28a645649b1de350bae417729f630041edea705feac3f1b231a45e7def23 271B / 271B 0.3s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 0B / 12.11MB 0.3s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 9.44MB / 104.35MB 0.5s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:28 #4 sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea 16.78MB / 29.15MB 0.5s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea 20.97MB / 29.15MB 0.6s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 1.05MB / 12.11MB 0.6s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 17.83MB / 104.35MB 0.7s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea 27.26MB / 29.15MB 0.7s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 2.10MB / 12.11MB 0.7s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 27.26MB / 104.35MB 0.9s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea 29.15MB / 29.15MB 0.8s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 9.44MB / 12.11MB 0.9s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:d352b19c53d03b7b5b89cd7c9a2bfe7d2b783dc5b387b68de24c9e263f98d714 0B / 492B 0.9s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 32.51MB / 104.35MB 1.0s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 12.11MB / 12.11MB 1.0s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:d352b19c53d03b7b5b89cd7c9a2bfe7d2b783dc5b387b68de24c9e263f98d714 492B / 492B 1.0s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 12.11MB / 12.11MB 1.0s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 0B / 35.38MB 1.1s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:bcb4756cd9b43f358024f1f5d960d3cd08813bd1c594ada0550b9af181f9444d 0B / 2.45kB 1.1s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 40.89MB / 104.35MB 1.2s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 extracting sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 5.24MB / 35.38MB 1.3s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:bcb4756cd9b43f358024f1f5d960d3cd08813bd1c594ada0550b9af181f9444d 2.45kB / 2.45kB 1.3s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:d269635ba54aa0e6145b674ba036017a13f815eb3c687a0c14fc39e440814226 0B / 246B 1.3s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 49.28MB / 104.35MB 1.4s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 10.49MB / 35.38MB 1.4s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:29 #4 sha256:d269635ba54aa0e6145b674ba036017a13f815eb3c687a0c14fc39e440814226 246B / 246B 1.4s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 56.62MB / 104.35MB 1.6s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 23.07MB / 35.38MB 1.6s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 30.41MB / 35.38MB 1.7s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 66.06MB / 104.35MB 1.8s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 35.38MB / 35.38MB 1.8s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 71.30MB / 104.35MB 1.9s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 35.38MB / 35.38MB 1.8s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 76.55MB / 104.35MB 2.0s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 90.18MB / 104.35MB 2.2s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 98.57MB / 104.35MB 2.3s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:30 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 104.35MB / 104.35MB 2.4s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:31 #4 sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 104.35MB / 104.35MB 3.3s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:34 #4 extracting sha256:a378f10b321842c3042cdeff4f6997f34f4cb21f2eff27704b7f6193ab7b5fea 4.7s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:35 #4 extracting sha256:20ad076dff2ee9b3f3f22002a0376585f329a1520f17968ed711ec81aac8c56e done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:35 #4 extracting sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:41 #4 extracting sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 5.2s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:42 #4 extracting sha256:6d17b5cade1b79810ab26afa4e1c16926954b1bdbe90c6bb584a6d56d0e0da26 6.5s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:42 #4 extracting sha256:d71c28a645649b1de350bae417729f630041edea705feac3f1b231a45e7def23 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:42 #4 extracting sha256:d71c28a645649b1de350bae417729f630041edea705feac3f1b231a45e7def23 done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:42 #4 extracting sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 0.1s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:42 #4 extracting sha256:55a209902cf37c4f214fd0ee889fc3a8bd7896fa7cc66bc5ba5c9a748f4e761e 0.1s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:42 #4 extracting sha256:d352b19c53d03b7b5b89cd7c9a2bfe7d2b783dc5b387b68de24c9e263f98d714 done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:42 #4 extracting sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:44 #4 extracting sha256:328f5623eab21b2176e709dc39170c95bceb6c366d69942568197664b0fde1f9 1.7s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:48 #4 extracting sha256:bcb4756cd9b43f358024f1f5d960d3cd08813bd1c594ada0550b9af181f9444d done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:48 #4 extracting sha256:d269635ba54aa0e6145b674ba036017a13f815eb3c687a0c14fc39e440814226 done error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:48 #4 DONE 20.3s error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:48 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:48 #5 [2/6] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git zlib1g-dev bzip2 zip libzip-dev && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) zip error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:50 #5 2.356 Get:1 bookworm InRelease [151 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:51 #5 2.374 Get:2 bookworm-updates InRelease [52.1 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:51 #5 2.374 Get:3 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:51 #5 2.490 Get:4 bookworm/main amd64 Packages [8780 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:51 #5 2.619 Get:5 bookworm-updates/main amd64 Packages [6408 B] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:51 #5 2.692 Get:6 bookworm-security/main amd64 Packages [86.2 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:52 #5 4.021 Fetched 9124 kB in 2s (4955 kB/s) error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:53 #5 4.021 Reading package lists... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:54 #5 5.016 Reading package lists... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:54 #5 5.940 Building dependency tree... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:54 #5 6.152 Reading state information... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 bzip2 is already the newest version (1.0.8-5+b1). error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 bzip2 set to manually installed. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 The following additional packages will be installed: error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 git-man less libbsd0 libcbor0.8 libcurl3-gnutls libedit2 liberror-perl error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 libexpat1 libfido2-1 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 libxmuu1 libzip4 openssh-client unzip xauth error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 Suggested packages: error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 gettext-base git-daemon-run | git-daemon-sysvinit git-doc git-email git-gui error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 gitk gitweb git-cvs git-mediawiki git-svn keychain libpam-ssh monkeysphere error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.521 ssh-askpass error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.704 The following NEW packages will be installed: error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.704 git git-man less libbsd0 libcbor0.8 libcurl3-gnutls libedit2 liberror-perl error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.710 libexpat1 libfido2-1 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.710 libxmuu1 libzip-dev libzip4 openssh-client unzip xauth zip zlib1g-dev error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.751 0 upgraded, 24 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.751 Need to get 14.1 MB of archives. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.751 After this operation, 62.8 MB of additional disk space will be used. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.751 Get:1 bookworm/main amd64 less amd64 590-2 [131 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.763 Get:2 bookworm/main amd64 libbsd0 amd64 0.11.7-2 [117 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.766 Get:3 bookworm/main amd64 libedit2 amd64 3.1-20221030-2 [93.0 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.769 Get:4 bookworm/main amd64 libcbor0.8 amd64 0.8.0-2+b1 [27.4 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.772 Get:5 bookworm/main amd64 libfido2-1 amd64 1.12.0-2+b1 [77.2 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.772 Get:6 bookworm/main amd64 openssh-client amd64 1:9.2p1-2+deb12u1 [989 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.784 Get:7 bookworm-security/main amd64 libcurl3-gnutls amd64 7.88.1-10+deb12u4 [385 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.787 Get:8 bookworm/main amd64 libexpat1 amd64 2.5.0-1 [99.3 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.793 Get:9 bookworm/main amd64 liberror-perl all 0.17029-2 [29.0 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.793 Get:10 bookworm/main amd64 git-man all 1:2.39.2-1.1 [2049 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.813 Get:11 bookworm/main amd64 git amd64 1:2.39.2-1.1 [7171 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.895 Get:12 bookworm/main amd64 libxau6 amd64 1:1.0.9-1 [19.7 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.896 Get:13 bookworm/main amd64 libxdmcp6 amd64 1:1.1.2-3 [26.3 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.896 Get:14 bookworm/main amd64 libxcb1 amd64 1.15-1 [144 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.898 Get:15 bookworm-security/main amd64 libx11-data all 2:1.8.4-2+deb12u2 [292 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.902 Get:16 bookworm-security/main amd64 libx11-6 amd64 2:1.8.4-2+deb12u2 [760 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.913 Get:17 bookworm/main amd64 libxext6 amd64 2:1.3.4-1+b1 [52.9 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.913 Get:18 bookworm/main amd64 libxmuu1 amd64 2:1.1.3-3 [23.9 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.913 Get:19 bookworm/main amd64 libzip4 amd64 1.7.3-1+b1 [55.5 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.913 Get:20 bookworm/main amd64 zlib1g-dev amd64 1:1.2.13.dfsg-1 [916 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.920 Get:21 bookworm/main amd64 libzip-dev amd64 1.7.3-1+b1 [163 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.923 Get:22 bookworm/main amd64 unzip amd64 6.0-28 [166 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.926 Get:23 bookworm/main amd64 xauth amd64 1:1.1.2-1 [36.0 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 6.926 Get:24 bookworm/main amd64 zip amd64 3.0-13 [230 kB] error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 7.246 debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:55 #5 7.296 Fetched 14.1 MB in 0s (70.1 MB/s) error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.336 Selecting previously unselected package less. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.336 (Reading database ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 5% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 10% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 15% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 20% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 25% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 30% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 35% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 40% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 45% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 50% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 55% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 60% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 65% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 70% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 75% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 80% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 85% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 90% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 95% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 100% error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 (Reading database ... 13257 files and directories currently installed.) error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.372 Preparing to unpack .../00-less_590-2_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.379 Unpacking less (590-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.437 Selecting previously unselected package libbsd0:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.437 Preparing to unpack .../01-libbsd0_0.11.7-2_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.446 Unpacking libbsd0:amd64 (0.11.7-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.502 Selecting previously unselected package libedit2:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.502 Preparing to unpack .../02-libedit2_3.1-20221030-2_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.505 Unpacking libedit2:amd64 (3.1-20221030-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.560 Selecting previously unselected package libcbor0.8:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.560 Preparing to unpack .../03-libcbor0.8_0.8.0-2+b1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.575 Unpacking libcbor0.8:amd64 (0.8.0-2+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.615 Selecting previously unselected package libfido2-1:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.615 Preparing to unpack .../04-libfido2-1_1.12.0-2+b1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.622 Unpacking libfido2-1:amd64 (1.12.0-2+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.683 Selecting previously unselected package openssh-client. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.683 Preparing to unpack .../05-openssh-client_1%3a9.2p1-2+deb12u1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.695 Unpacking openssh-client (1:9.2p1-2+deb12u1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.835 Selecting previously unselected package libcurl3-gnutls:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.835 Preparing to unpack .../06-libcurl3-gnutls_7.88.1-10+deb12u4_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.838 Unpacking libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 (7.88.1-10+deb12u4) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.909 Selecting previously unselected package libexpat1:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.909 Preparing to unpack .../07-libexpat1_2.5.0-1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.912 Unpacking libexpat1:amd64 (2.5.0-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.966 Selecting previously unselected package liberror-perl. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.966 Preparing to unpack .../08-liberror-perl_0.17029-2_all.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 7.969 Unpacking liberror-perl (0.17029-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 8.017 Selecting previously unselected package git-man. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 8.019 Preparing to unpack .../09-git-man_1%3a2.39.2-1.1_all.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 8.028 Unpacking git-man (1:2.39.2-1.1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 8.176 Selecting previously unselected package git. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 8.176 Preparing to unpack .../10-git_1%3a2.39.2-1.1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:56 #5 8.190 Unpacking git (1:2.39.2-1.1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.792 Selecting previously unselected package libxau6:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.792 Preparing to unpack .../11-libxau6_1%3a1.0.9-1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.795 Unpacking libxau6:amd64 (1:1.0.9-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.835 Selecting previously unselected package libxdmcp6:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.835 Preparing to unpack .../12-libxdmcp6_1%3a1.1.2-3_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.837 Unpacking libxdmcp6:amd64 (1:1.1.2-3) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.889 Selecting previously unselected package libxcb1:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.889 Preparing to unpack .../13-libxcb1_1.15-1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.893 Unpacking libxcb1:amd64 (1.15-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.938 Selecting previously unselected package libx11-data. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.938 Preparing to unpack .../14-libx11-data_2%3a1.8.4-2+deb12u2_all.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 8.946 Unpacking libx11-data (2:1.8.4-2+deb12u2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.093 Selecting previously unselected package libx11-6:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.093 Preparing to unpack .../15-libx11-6_2%3a1.8.4-2+deb12u2_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.108 Unpacking libx11-6:amd64 (2:1.8.4-2+deb12u2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.218 Selecting previously unselected package libxext6:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.218 Preparing to unpack .../16-libxext6_2%3a1.3.4-1+b1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.227 Unpacking libxext6:amd64 (2:1.3.4-1+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.279 Selecting previously unselected package libxmuu1:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.279 Preparing to unpack .../17-libxmuu1_2%3a1.1.3-3_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.283 Unpacking libxmuu1:amd64 (2:1.1.3-3) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.331 Selecting previously unselected package libzip4:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:57 #5 9.331 Preparing to unpack .../18-libzip4_1.7.3-1+b1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.337 Unpacking libzip4:amd64 (1.7.3-1+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.381 Selecting previously unselected package zlib1g-dev:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.381 Preparing to unpack .../19-zlib1g-dev_1%3a1.2.13.dfsg-1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.384 Unpacking zlib1g-dev:amd64 (1:1.2.13.dfsg-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.458 Selecting previously unselected package libzip-dev:amd64. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.458 Preparing to unpack .../20-libzip-dev_1.7.3-1+b1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.460 Unpacking libzip-dev:amd64 (1.7.3-1+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.526 Selecting previously unselected package unzip. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.526 Preparing to unpack .../21-unzip_6.0-28_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.530 Unpacking unzip (6.0-28) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.583 Selecting previously unselected package xauth. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.583 Preparing to unpack .../22-xauth_1%3a1.1.2-1_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.584 Unpacking xauth (1:1.1.2-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.627 Selecting previously unselected package zip. error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.627 Preparing to unpack .../23-zip_3.0-13_amd64.deb ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.632 Unpacking zip (3.0-13) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.695 Setting up libexpat1:amd64 (2.5.0-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.712 Setting up libxau6:amd64 (1:1.0.9-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.726 Setting up libzip4:amd64 (1.7.3-1+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.740 Setting up unzip (6.0-28) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.754 Setting up libcbor0.8:amd64 (0.8.0-2+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.765 Setting up less (590-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.793 Setting up libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 (7.88.1-10+deb12u4) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.806 Setting up liberror-perl (0.17029-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.822 Setting up zip (3.0-13) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.837 Setting up libx11-data (2:1.8.4-2+deb12u2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.848 Setting up zlib1g-dev:amd64 (1:1.2.13.dfsg-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.859 Setting up git-man (1:2.39.2-1.1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.875 Setting up libfido2-1:amd64 (1.12.0-2+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.886 Setting up libbsd0:amd64 (0.11.7-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.898 Setting up libxdmcp6:amd64 (1:1.1.2-3) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.910 Setting up libzip-dev:amd64 (1.7.3-1+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.922 Setting up libxcb1:amd64 (1.15-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.939 Setting up libedit2:amd64 (3.1-20221030-2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.953 Setting up git (1:2.39.2-1.1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.981 Setting up libx11-6:amd64 (2:1.8.4-2+deb12u2) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 9.997 Setting up libxmuu1:amd64 (2:1.1.3-3) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 10.01 Setting up openssh-client (1:9.2p1-2+deb12u1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 10.12 Setting up libxext6:amd64 (2:1.3.4-1+b1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 10.15 Setting up xauth (1:1.1.2-1) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:19:58 #5 10.16 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.36-9+deb12u3) ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:03 #5 14.41 Configuring for: error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:03 #5 14.41 PHP Api Version: 20210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:03 #5 14.41 Zend Module Api No: 20210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:03 #5 14.41 Zend Extension Api No: 420210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.50 checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.50 checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.51 checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.55 checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.55 checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.55 checking for cc... cc error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.60 checking whether the C compiler works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.69 checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.70 checking for suffix of executables... error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.76 checking whether we are cross compiling... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.85 checking for suffix of object files... o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.90 checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.94 checking whether cc accepts -g... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 15.99 checking for cc option to enable C11 features... none needed error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 16.07 checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 16.17 checking for icc... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 16.20 checking for suncc... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:04 #5 16.22 checking for system library directory... lib error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.22 checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.29 checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.30 checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.30 checking target system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.38 checking for PHP prefix... /usr/local error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.38 checking for PHP includes... -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.38 checking for PHP extension directory... /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.38 checking for PHP installed headers prefix... /usr/local/include/php error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.38 checking if debug is enabled... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.43 checking if zts is enabled... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.46 checking for gawk... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.46 checking for nawk... nawk error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.46 checking if nawk is broken... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.47 checking for zip archive read/write support... yes, shared error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.47 checking for libzip >= 0.11 libzip != 1.3.1 libzip != 1.7.0... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.49 checking for zip_file_set_mtime in -lzip... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.61 checking for zip_file_set_encryption in -lzip... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.74 checking for zip_libzip_version in -lzip... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 16.85 checking for zip_register_progress_callback_with_state in -lzip... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.00 checking for zip_register_cancel_callback_with_state in -lzip... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.10 checking for zip_compression_method_supported in -lzip... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.23 checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.24 checking for ld used by cc... /usr/bin/ld error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.25 checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.26 checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.26 checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.27 checking whether ln -s works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:05 #5 17.27 checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.34 checking for stdio.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.40 checking for stdlib.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.45 checking for string.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.50 checking for inttypes.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.56 checking for stdint.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.61 checking for strings.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.67 checking for sys/stat.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.73 checking for sys/types.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.79 checking for unistd.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.87 checking for dlfcn.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.94 checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 17.95 checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from cc object... ok error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 18.10 checking for objdir... .libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 18.11 checking for ar... ar error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 18.11 checking for ranlib... ranlib error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:06 #5 18.11 checking for strip... strip error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.21 checking if cc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.26 checking for cc option to produce PIC... -fPIC error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.26 checking if cc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.29 checking if cc static flag -static works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.47 checking if cc supports -c -o file.o... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.52 checking whether the cc linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.54 checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.59 checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.62 checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.62 checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.62 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.62 checking whether to build shared libraries... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.62 checking whether to build static libraries... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.87 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.87 creating libtool error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 18.91 appending configuration tag "CXX" to libtool error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 19.04 configure: patching error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 19.05 configure: creating ./config.status error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 19.16 config.status: creating config.h error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 19.24 /bin/bash /usr/src/php/ext/zip/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/include -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/main -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /usr/src/php/ext/zip/php_zip.c -o php_zip.lo -MMD -MF php_zip.dep -MT php_zip.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:07 #5 19.24 /bin/bash /usr/src/php/ext/zip/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/include -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/main -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /usr/src/php/ext/zip/zip_stream.c -o zip_stream.lo -MMD -MF zip_stream.dep -MT zip_stream.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:08 #5 19.49 mkdir .libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:08 #5 19.49 cc -I. -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/include -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/main -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /usr/src/php/ext/zip/zip_stream.c -MMD -MF zip_stream.dep -MT zip_stream.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/zip_stream.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:08 #5 19.50 cc -I. -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/include -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/main -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /usr/src/php/ext/zip/php_zip.c -MMD -MF php_zip.dep -MT php_zip.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/php_zip.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:09 #5 21.27 /bin/bash /usr/src/php/ext/zip/libtool --mode=link cc -shared -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/include -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip/main -I/usr/src/php/ext/zip -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -fstack-protector-strong -fpic -fpie -O2 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wl,-O1 -pie -o -export-dynamic -avoid-version -prefer-pic -module -rpath /usr/src/php/ext/zip/modules php_zip.lo zip_stream.lo -lzip error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.45 cc -shared .libs/php_zip.o .libs/zip_stream.o -lzip -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.48 creating error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.50 (cd .libs && rm -f && ln -s ../ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.50 /bin/bash /usr/src/php/ext/zip/libtool --mode=install cp ./ /usr/src/php/ext/zip/modules error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.55 cp ./.libs/ /usr/src/php/ext/zip/modules/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.56 cp ./.libs/zip.lai /usr/src/php/ext/zip/modules/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.59 PATH="$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n /usr/src/php/ext/zip/modules error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 Libraries have been installed in: error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 /usr/src/php/ext/zip/modules error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 flag during linking and do at least one of the following: error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 during execution error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 during linking error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages. error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.60 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.61 Build complete. error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.61 Don't forget to run 'make test'. error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.61 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.67 + strip --strip-all modules/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.72 Installing shared extensions: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.84 find . -name \*.gcno -o -name \*.gcda | xargs rm -f error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.85 find . -name \*.lo -o -name \*.o -o -name \*.dep | xargs rm -f error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.85 find . -name \*.la -o -name \*.a | xargs rm -f error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.86 find . -name \*.so | xargs rm -f error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.87 find . -name .libs -a -type d|xargs rm -rf error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.88 rm -f modules/* libs/* error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.89 rm -f ext/opcache/jit/zend_jit_x86.c error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.89 rm -f ext/opcache/jit/zend_jit_arm64.c error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:10 #5 21.89 rm -f ext/opcache/minilua error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:11 #5 DONE 22.8s error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:11 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:11 #6 [3/6] RUN pecl install xdebug-3.2.2 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 2.840 downloading xdebug-3.2.2.tgz ... error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 2.841 Starting to download xdebug-3.2.2.tgz (246,966 bytes) error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 2.918 ....................................................done: 246,966 bytes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 3.266 96 source files, building error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 3.266 running: phpize error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 3.281 Configuring for: error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 3.281 PHP Api Version: 20210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 3.281 Zend Module Api No: 20210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:14 #6 3.281 Zend Extension Api No: 420210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:15 #6 4.294 building in /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:15 #6 4.294 running: /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.479 checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.483 checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.491 checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.507 checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.511 checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.513 checking for cc... cc error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.630 checking whether the C compiler works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.630 checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.690 checking for suffix of executables... error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.773 checking whether we are cross compiling... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.810 checking for suffix of object files... o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.842 checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.878 checking whether cc accepts -g... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 4.964 checking for cc option to enable C11 features... none needed error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.012 checking how to run the C preprocessor... cc -E error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.077 checking for icc... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.095 checking for suncc... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.097 checking for system library directory... lib error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.162 checking if compiler supports -Wl,-rpath,... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.249 checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.249 checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.249 checking target system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.309 checking for PHP prefix... /usr/local error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.309 checking for PHP includes... -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.309 checking for PHP extension directory... /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.310 checking for PHP installed headers prefix... /usr/local/include/php error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.341 checking if debug is enabled... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.377 checking if zts is enabled... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.379 checking for gawk... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.379 checking for nawk... nawk error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.381 checking if nawk is broken... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.382 checking whether to enable Xdebug support... yes, shared error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.383 checking whether to enable Xdebug developer build flags... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.383 checking whether to compress profiler files (requires zlib)... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.397 checking Check for supported PHP versions... supported (8.1.24) error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:16 #6 5.483 checking for clock_gettime... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.575 checking for clock_gettime_nsec_np... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.665 checking for gettimeofday... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.706 checking for stdio.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.757 checking for stdlib.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.809 checking for string.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.863 checking for inttypes.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.914 checking for stdint.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 5.967 checking for strings.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 6.018 checking for sys/stat.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 6.070 checking for sys/types.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 6.137 checking for unistd.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 6.208 checking for netinet/in.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 6.275 checking for poll.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 6.334 checking for sys/poll.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:17 #6 6.408 checking for linux/rtnetlink.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.491 checking for res_ninit... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.566 checking for __res_ninit... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.652 checking for res_nclose... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.732 checking for __res_nclose... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.819 checking for cos in -lm... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.829 checking for zlib >= 1.2.9... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.933 checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.941 checking for ld used by cc... /usr/bin/ld error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.947 checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.947 checking for /usr/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.950 checking for BSD-compatible nm... /usr/bin/nm -B error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.950 checking whether ln -s works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 6.951 checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.037 checking for dlfcn.h... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.047 checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.177 checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output from cc object... ok error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.191 checking for objdir... .libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.193 checking for ar... ar error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.193 checking for ranlib... ranlib error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.193 checking for strip... strip error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.355 checking if cc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.355 checking for cc option to produce PIC... -fPIC error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:18 #6 7.400 checking if cc PIC flag -fPIC works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.551 checking if cc static flag -static works... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.616 checking if cc supports -c -o file.o... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.638 checking whether the cc linker (/usr/bin/ld -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.687 checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.729 checking dynamic linker characteristics... GNU/Linux error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.729 checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.735 checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.735 checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.735 checking whether to build shared libraries... yes error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 7.735 checking whether to build static libraries... no error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.051 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.051 creating libtool error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.081 appending configuration tag "CXX" to libtool error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.233 configure: patching error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.239 configure: creating ./config.status error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.331 config.status: creating config.h error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.397 running: make error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.400 Makefile:244: warning: overriding recipe for target 'test' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.400 Makefile:136: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'test' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:19 #6 8.411 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/xdebug.c -o xdebug.lo -MMD -MF xdebug.dep -MT xdebug.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:20 #6 8.546 mkdir .libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:20 #6 8.550 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/xdebug.c -MMD -MF xdebug.dep -MT xdebug.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/xdebug.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:20 #6 9.230 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/base/base.c -o src/base/base.lo -MMD -MF src/base/base.dep -MT src/base/base.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:20 #6 9.381 mkdir src/base/.libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:20 #6 9.385 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/base/base.c -MMD -MF src/base/base.dep -MT src/base/base.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/base/.libs/base.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:21 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-I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/develop/superglobals.c -MMD -MF src/develop/superglobals.dep -MT src/develop/superglobals.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/develop/.libs/superglobals.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:43 #6 31.76 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/gcstats/gc_stats.c -o src/gcstats/gc_stats.lo -MMD -MF src/gcstats/gc_stats.dep -MT src/gcstats/gc_stats.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:43 #6 31.88 mkdir src/gcstats/.libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:43 #6 31.88 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/gcstats/gc_stats.c -MMD -MF src/gcstats/gc_stats.dep -MT src/gcstats/gc_stats.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/gcstats/.libs/gc_stats.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:43 #6 32.41 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/profiler/profiler.c -o src/profiler/profiler.lo -MMD -MF src/profiler/profiler.dep -MT src/profiler/profiler.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:43 #6 32.55 mkdir src/profiler/.libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:44 #6 32.55 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/profiler/profiler.c -MMD -MF src/profiler/profiler.dep -MT src/profiler/profiler.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/profiler/.libs/profiler.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:44 #6 33.13 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/trace_computerized.c -o src/tracing/trace_computerized.lo -MMD -MF src/tracing/trace_computerized.dep -MT src/tracing/trace_computerized.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:44 #6 33.26 mkdir src/tracing/.libs error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:44 #6 33.27 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/trace_computerized.c -MMD -MF src/tracing/trace_computerized.dep -MT src/tracing/trace_computerized.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/tracing/.libs/trace_computerized.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:45 #6 33.70 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/trace_html.c -o src/tracing/trace_html.lo -MMD -MF src/tracing/trace_html.dep -MT src/tracing/trace_html.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:45 #6 33.82 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/trace_html.c -MMD -MF src/tracing/trace_html.dep -MT src/tracing/trace_html.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/tracing/.libs/trace_html.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:45 #6 34.19 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/trace_textual.c -o src/tracing/trace_textual.lo -MMD -MF src/tracing/trace_textual.dep -MT src/tracing/trace_textual.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:45 #6 34.32 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/trace_textual.c -MMD -MF src/tracing/trace_textual.dep -MT src/tracing/trace_textual.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/tracing/.libs/trace_textual.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:46 #6 34.80 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=compile cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/tracing.c -o src/tracing/tracing.lo -MMD -MF src/tracing/tracing.dep -MT src/tracing/tracing.lo error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:46 #6 34.94 cc -I. -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -DZEND_COMPILE_DL_EXT=1 -c /tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src/tracing/tracing.c -MMD -MF src/tracing/tracing.dep -MT src/tracing/tracing.lo -fPIC -DPIC -o src/tracing/.libs/tracing.o error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 35.74 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=link cc -shared -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/include -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/main -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug -I/usr/local/include/php -I/usr/local/include/php/main -I/usr/local/include/php/TSRM -I/usr/local/include/php/Zend -I/usr/local/include/php/ext -I/usr/local/include/php/ext/date/lib -I/tmp/pear/temp/xdebug/src -I/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -o -export-dynamic -avoid-version -prefer-pic -module -rpath /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/modules xdebug.lo src/base/base.lo src/base/filter.lo src/lib/usefulstuff.lo src/lib/compat.lo src/lib/crc32.lo src/lib/file.lo src/lib/hash.lo src/lib/headers.lo src/lib/lib.lo src/lib/llist.lo src/lib/log.lo src/lib/set.lo src/lib/str.lo src/lib/timing.lo src/lib/var.lo src/lib/var_export_html.lo src/lib/var_export_line.lo src/lib/var_e error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 35.74 xport_text.lo src/lib/var_export_xml.lo src/lib/xml.lo src/coverage/branch_info.lo src/coverage/code_coverage.lo src/debugger/com.lo src/debugger/debugger.lo src/debugger/handler_dbgp.lo src/debugger/handlers.lo src/debugger/ip_info.lo src/develop/develop.lo src/develop/monitor.lo src/develop/php_functions.lo src/develop/stack.lo src/develop/superglobals.lo src/gcstats/gc_stats.lo src/profiler/profiler.lo src/tracing/trace_computerized.lo src/tracing/trace_html.lo src/tracing/trace_textual.lo src/tracing/tracing.lo -lm -lz error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.17 cc -shared .libs/xdebug.o src/base/.libs/base.o src/base/.libs/filter.o src/lib/.libs/usefulstuff.o src/lib/.libs/compat.o src/lib/.libs/crc32.o src/lib/.libs/file.o src/lib/.libs/hash.o src/lib/.libs/headers.o src/lib/.libs/lib.o src/lib/.libs/llist.o src/lib/.libs/log.o src/lib/.libs/set.o src/lib/.libs/str.o src/lib/.libs/timing.o src/lib/.libs/var.o src/lib/.libs/var_export_html.o src/lib/.libs/var_export_line.o src/lib/.libs/var_export_text.o src/lib/.libs/var_export_xml.o src/lib/.libs/xml.o src/coverage/.libs/branch_info.o src/coverage/.libs/code_coverage.o src/debugger/.libs/com.o src/debugger/.libs/debugger.o src/debugger/.libs/handler_dbgp.o src/debugger/.libs/handlers.o src/debugger/.libs/ip_info.o src/develop/.libs/develop.o src/develop/.libs/monitor.o src/develop/.libs/php_functions.o src/develop/.libs/stack.o src/develop/.libs/superglobals.o src/gcstats/.libs/gc_stats.o src/profiler/.libs/profiler.o src/tracing/.libs/trace_computerized.o src/tracing/.libs/trace_html.o src/tracing/.libs/trace_t error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.17 extual.o src/tracing/.libs/tracing.o -lm -lz -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.28 creating error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.30 (cd .libs && rm -f && ln -s ../ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.30 /bin/bash /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/libtool --mode=install cp ./ /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/modules error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.35 cp ./.libs/ /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/modules/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.35 cp ./.libs/xdebug.lai /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/modules/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.38 PATH="$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/modules error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 Libraries have been installed in: error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/xdebug-3.2.2/modules error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 flag during linking and do at least one of the following: error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 during execution error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 during linking error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages. error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.39 Build complete. error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.40 Don't forget to run 'make test'. error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.40 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.40 running: make INSTALL_ROOT="/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2" install error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.40 Makefile:244: warning: overriding recipe for target 'test' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.40 Makefile:136: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'test' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:47 #6 36.48 Installing shared extensions: /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.53 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.58 shtool:echo:Warning: unable to determine terminal sequence for bold mode error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.60 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.61 | | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.61 | INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.61 | ========================= | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.62 | | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.62 | See for instructions | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.62 | on how to enable Xdebug for PHP. | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.62 | | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.63 | Documentation is available online as well: | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.63 | - A list of all settings: | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.63 | - A list of all functions: | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.63 | - Profiling instructions: | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.64 | - Remote debugging: | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.64 | | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.64 | | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.64 | NOTE: Please disregard the message | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.65 | You should add "" to php.ini | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.65 | that is emitted by the PECL installer. This does not work for | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.65 | Xdebug. | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.65 | | error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.65 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.70 shtool:echo:Warning: unable to determine terminal sequence for bold mode error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.72 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.72 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.72 running: find "/tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2" | xargs ls -dils error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6554770 4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6555645 4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6555646 4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr/local error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6555647 4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr/local/lib error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6555648 4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr/local/lib/php error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6555650 4 drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr/local/lib/php/extensions error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6555651 4 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.73 6555662 1756 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 1798128 Oct 22 14:20 /tmp/pear/temp/pear-build-defaultuserCVYDlU/install-xdebug-3.2.2/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902/ error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.74 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.74 Build process completed successfully error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.74 Installing '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902/' error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.76 install ok: channel:// error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.76 configuration option "php_ini" is not set to php.ini location error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:48 #6 36.76 You should add "zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20210902/" to php.ini error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 #6 DONE 37.6s error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 #7 [4/6] RUN docker-php-ext-enable xdebug error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 #7 DONE 0.5s error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 #8 [5/6] RUN echo "memory_limit = 1024M" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/memory.ini error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 #8 DONE 0.4s error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:49 #9 [6/6] RUN git config --system Docker && git config --system docker@localhost error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:50 #9 DONE 0.5s error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:50 error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:50 #10 exporting to image error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:50 #10 exporting layers error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 #10 exporting layers 0.7s done error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 #10 writing image sha256:ad9d8cebdf0e6d0aeb934139592bfa16d9bab4aea16b3694ed6ff79168831423 done error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 #10 naming to done error 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 #10 DONE 0.8s simple 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 Built Docker image 'phpbb:php-8.1' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 Finished task 'Build image' with result: Success command 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 Substituting variable: ${} with /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP simple 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 Starting task 'Package release files' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-docker-plugin:task.docker.cli' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 Running image name (phpbb:php-8.1) command 22-Oct-2023 14:20:51 Beginning to execute external process for build 'phpBB3 - Development Docker Master - PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package #1199 (PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199)'\n ... running command line: \n/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP:/data --workdir /data/phpBB --rm -u=991 -t --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache/:/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache/ phpbb:php-8.1 /bin/bash -c php ../composer.phar install --dev; cd ../build; git fetch --tags 2>&1; ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing package\n ... in: /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=master\nbamboo_repository_75956230_previous_revision_number=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_Git=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_buildKey=PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\nbamboo_shortPlanName=Development Docker Master\nbamboo_planRepository_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_repository_75956230_git_branch=master\nbamboo_buildNumber=1199\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_phpunit_PHPUnit=/usr/bin/phpunit\nbamboo_repository_75956230_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_shortJobName=PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_repository_75956230_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_agentId=65929217\nbamboo_planName=phpBB3 - Development Docker Master\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=DDM\nbamboo_shortJobKey=P5SP\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_65=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2023-10-22T14:19:22.783Z\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6_0_16=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/usr/share/maven2\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=master\nbamboo_buildResultKey=PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=master\nbamboo_buildPlanName=phpBB3 - Development Docker Master - PHP 8.1 - SQLite Package\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_3=/usr/bin/docker build --force-rm=true --tag=phpbb:php-8.1 /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\nbamboo_repository_name=phpBB Master\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_repository_75956230_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=master\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_phpunit_PHPUnit_3_4=/usr/bin/phpunit\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=831942a0227b0d6491c09b55b773a109f342203d\nbamboo_repository_75956230_branch_name=master\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=master\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=PHPBB3-DDM\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/usr/share/ant\nbamboo_repository_75956230_revision_number=88385d6da2169c2b1d3162c024af71aeb408ffec\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP\nbamboo_planKey=PHPBB3-DDM\nbamboo_capability_local=true\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=master\n build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 You are using the deprecated option "--dev". It has no effect and will break in Composer 3. build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 Package operations: 127 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 Cannot create cache directory /.composer/cache/files/, or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache. See also cache-read-only config if your filesystem is read-only. build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/installers (v1.12.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/package-versions-deprecated ( build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading bantu/ini-get-wrapper (v1.0.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading carlos-mg89/oauth (0.8.15) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading chita/topological_sort (v3.0.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/process (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/finder (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/filesystem (v6.3.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/string (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading psr/container (2.0.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/service-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/console (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading seld/signal-handler (2.0.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading seld/phar-utils (1.2.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading seld/jsonlint (1.10.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading react/promise (v3.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading psr/log (3.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.12) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/pcre (3.1.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/xdebug-handler (3.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/spdx-licenses (1.5.7) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/semver (3.4.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/metadata-minifier (1.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/class-map-generator (1.1.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/ca-bundle (1.3.7) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading composer/composer (2.6.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading psr/cache (3.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading doctrine/event-manager (1.2.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading doctrine/cache (2.2.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading doctrine/dbal (3.3.8) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading google/recaptcha (1.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading psr/http-message (1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.9.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading guzzlehttp/promises (1.5.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.5.8) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading laminas/laminas-code (4.12.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/yaml (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading laravel/homestead (v14.4.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading marc1706/fast-image-size (v1.1.7) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/version (3.0.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/type (3.2.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/resource-operations (3.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/recursion-context (4.0.5) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/object-reflector (2.0.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/object-enumerator (4.0.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/global-state (5.0.6) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/exporter (4.0.5) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/environment (5.1.5) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/diff (4.0.5) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/comparator (4.0.8) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/code-unit (1.0.8) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/cli-parser (1.0.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpunit/php-timer (5.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpunit/php-text-template (2.0.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpunit/php-invoker (3.1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpunit/php-file-iterator (3.0.6) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading theseer/tokenizer (1.2.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading nikic/php-parser (v4.17.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/lines-of-code (1.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/complexity (2.0.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (2.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpunit/php-code-coverage (9.2.29) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phar-io/version (3.2.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phar-io/manifest (2.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading myclabs/deep-copy (1.11.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading doctrine/instantiator (2.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpunit/phpunit (9.6.13) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading misantron/dbunit (5.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phing/phing (2.17.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading webmozart/assert (1.11.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpstan/phpdoc-parser (1.24.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.7.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading webmozart/path-util (2.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading openlss/lib-array2xml (1.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading netresearch/jsonmapper (v4.2.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading felixfbecker/language-server-protocol (v1.5.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading felixfbecker/advanced-json-rpc (v3.2.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading dnoegel/php-xdg-base-dir (v0.1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading amphp/amp (v2.6.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading amphp/byte-stream (v1.8.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading vimeo/psalm (4.30.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/routing (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/var-dumper (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/error-handler (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/var-exporter (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/dependency-injection (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/config (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/cache-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/cache (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/framework-bundle (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading psalm/plugin-symfony (v3.1.10) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading s9e/sweetdom (2.1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading s9e/regexp-builder (1.4.6) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading s9e/text-formatter (2.14.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.7.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading masterminds/html5 (2.8.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/dom-crawler (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/browser-kit (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/css-selector (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/http-client-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/http-client (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/mime (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.16) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v6.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading twig/twig (v3.7.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/translation-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:52 - Downloading symfony/twig-bridge (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:54 0/127 [>---------------------------] 0% 25/127 [=====>----------------------] 19% 31/127 [======>---------------------] 24% 43/127 [=========>------------------] 33% 51/127 [===========>----------------] 40% 73/127 [================>-----------] 57% 84/127 [==================>---------] 66% 95/127 [====================>-------] 74% 108/127 [=======================>----] 85% 117/127 [=========================>--] 92% 127/127 [============================] 100% - Installing composer/installers (v1.12.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:54 - Installing composer/package-versions-deprecated ( Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:54 - Installing bantu/ini-get-wrapper (v1.0.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:54 - Installing carlos-mg89/oauth (0.8.15): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing chita/topological_sort (v3.0.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/process (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/finder (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/filesystem (v6.3.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/string (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing psr/container (2.0.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/console (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing seld/signal-handler (2.0.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing seld/phar-utils (1.2.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing seld/jsonlint (1.10.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing react/promise (v3.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing psr/log (3.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.12): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/pcre (3.1.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/xdebug-handler (3.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/spdx-licenses (1.5.7): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/semver (3.4.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/metadata-minifier (1.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/class-map-generator (1.1.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/ca-bundle (1.3.7): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing composer/composer (2.6.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing psr/cache (3.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing doctrine/event-manager (1.2.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing doctrine/cache (2.2.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing doctrine/dbal (3.3.8): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing google/recaptcha (1.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing psr/http-message (1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.9.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (1.5.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.5.8): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing laminas/laminas-code (4.12.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/yaml (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing laravel/homestead (v14.4.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing marc1706/fast-image-size (v1.1.7): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/version (3.0.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/type (3.2.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/resource-operations (3.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/recursion-context (4.0.5): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/object-reflector (2.0.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/object-enumerator (4.0.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/global-state (5.0.6): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/exporter (4.0.5): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/environment (5.1.5): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/diff (4.0.5): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/comparator (4.0.8): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/code-unit (1.0.8): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/cli-parser (1.0.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpunit/php-timer (5.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (2.0.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpunit/php-invoker (3.1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (3.0.6): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing theseer/tokenizer (1.2.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing nikic/php-parser (v4.17.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/lines-of-code (1.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/complexity (2.0.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (2.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (9.2.29): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phar-io/version (3.2.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phar-io/manifest (2.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing myclabs/deep-copy (1.11.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing doctrine/instantiator (2.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpunit/phpunit (9.6.13): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing misantron/dbunit (5.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phing/phing (2.17.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing webmozart/assert (1.11.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpstan/phpdoc-parser (1.24.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.7.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing webmozart/path-util (2.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing openlss/lib-array2xml (1.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing netresearch/jsonmapper (v4.2.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing felixfbecker/language-server-protocol (v1.5.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing felixfbecker/advanced-json-rpc (v3.2.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing dnoegel/php-xdg-base-dir (v0.1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing amphp/amp (v2.6.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing amphp/byte-stream (v1.8.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing vimeo/psalm (4.30.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/routing (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/error-handler (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/var-exporter (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/dependency-injection (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/config (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/cache-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/cache (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/framework-bundle (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing psalm/plugin-symfony (v3.1.10): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing s9e/sweetdom (2.1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing s9e/regexp-builder (1.4.6): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing s9e/text-formatter (2.14.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.7.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing masterminds/html5 (2.8.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/browser-kit (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/css-selector (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/http-client-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/http-client (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/mime (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.16): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v6.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing twig/twig (v3.7.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/translation-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:55 - Installing symfony/twig-bridge (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:57 0/125 [>---------------------------] 0% 18/125 [====>-----------------------] 14% 27/125 [======>---------------------] 21% 40/125 [========>-------------------] 32% 59/125 [=============>--------------] 47% 68/125 [===============>------------] 54% 76/125 [=================>----------] 60% 90/125 [====================>-------] 72% 101/125 [======================>-----] 80% 113/125 [=========================>--] 90% 125/125 [============================] 100%Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead. build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:57 Generating autoload files build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:58 89 packages you are using are looking for funding. build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:58 Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Enumerating objects: 6819, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 0% (1/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 1% (15/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 2% (30/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 3% (44/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 4% (59/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 5% (74/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 6% (88/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 7% (103/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 8% (118/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 9% (132/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 10% (147/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 11% (161/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 12% (176/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 13% (191/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 14% (205/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 15% (220/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 16% (235/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 17% (249/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 18% (264/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 19% (278/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 20% (293/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 21% (308/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 22% (322/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 23% (337/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 24% (352/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 25% (366/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 26% (381/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 27% (396/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 28% (410/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 29% (425/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 30% (439/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 31% (454/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 32% (469/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 33% (483/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 34% (498/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 35% (513/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 36% (527/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 37% (542/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 38% (556/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 39% (571/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 40% (586/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 41% (600/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 42% (615/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 43% (630/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 44% (644/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 45% (659/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 46% (673/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 47% (688/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 48% (703/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 49% (717/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 50% (732/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 51% (747/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 52% (761/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 53% (776/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 54% (791/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 55% (805/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 56% (820/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 57% (834/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 58% (849/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 59% (864/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 60% (878/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 61% (893/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 62% (908/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 63% (922/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 64% (937/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 65% (951/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 66% (966/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 67% (981/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 68% (995/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 69% (1010/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 70% (1025/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 71% (1039/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 72% (1054/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 73% (1068/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 74% (1083/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 75% (1098/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 76% (1112/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 77% (1127/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 78% (1142/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 79% (1156/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 80% (1171/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 81% (1186/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 82% (1200/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 83% (1215/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 84% (1229/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 85% (1244/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 86% (1259/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 87% (1273/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 88% (1288/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 89% (1303/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 90% (1317/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 91% (1332/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 92% (1346/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 93% (1361/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 94% (1376/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 95% (1390/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 96% (1405/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 97% (1420/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 98% (1434/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 99% (1449/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 100% (1463/1463) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 remote: Counting objects: 100% (1463/1463), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 Receiving objects: 0% (1/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 Receiving objects: 1% (69/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 Receiving objects: 2% (137/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 Receiving objects: 3% (205/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 Receiving objects: 4% (273/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:20:59 Receiving objects: 5% (341/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 6% (410/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 7% (478/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 8% (546/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 9% (614/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 10% (682/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 11% (751/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 12% (819/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 13% (887/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 14% (955/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 15% (1023/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 16% (1092/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 17% (1160/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 18% (1228/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 19% (1296/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 20% (1364/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 21% (1432/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 22% (1501/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 23% (1569/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 24% (1637/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 25% (1705/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 26% (1773/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 27% (1842/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 28% (1910/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 29% (1978/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 30% (2046/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 31% (2114/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 32% (2183/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 33% (2251/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 34% (2319/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 35% (2387/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 36% (2455/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 37% (2524/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 38% (2592/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 39% (2660/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 40% (2728/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 41% (2796/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 42% (2864/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 43% (2933/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 44% (3001/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 45% (3069/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 46% (3137/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 47% (3205/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 48% (3274/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 49% (3342/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 50% (3410/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 51% (3478/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 52% (3546/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 53% (3615/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 54% (3683/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 55% (3751/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 56% (3819/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 57% (3887/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 58% (3956/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 59% (4024/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 60% (4092/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 61% (4160/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 62% (4228/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 63% (4296/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 64% (4365/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 65% (4433/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 66% (4501/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 67% (4569/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 68% (4637/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 69% (4706/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 70% (4774/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 71% (4842/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 72% (4910/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 73% (4978/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 74% (5047/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 75% (5115/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 76% (5183/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 77% (5251/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 78% (5319/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 79% (5388/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 80% (5456/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 81% (5524/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 82% (5592/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 83% (5660/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 84% (5728/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 85% (5797/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 86% (5865/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 87% (5933/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 88% (6001/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 89% (6069/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 90% (6138/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 91% (6206/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 92% (6274/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 93% (6342/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 94% (6410/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 95% (6479/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 96% (6547/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 97% (6615/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 98% (6683/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 remote: Total 6819 (delta 1463), reused 1463 (delta 1463), pack-reused 5356 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 99% (6751/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 100% (6819/6819) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Receiving objects: 100% (6819/6819), 4.34 MiB | 21.56 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 1% (41/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 2% (81/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 3% (121/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 4% (161/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 5% (201/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 6% (241/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 7% (282/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 8% (322/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 9% (362/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 10% (402/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 11% (442/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 12% (482/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 13% (523/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 14% (563/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 15% (603/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 16% (643/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 17% (683/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 18% (723/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 19% (764/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 20% (804/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 21% (844/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 22% (884/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 23% (924/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 24% (964/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 25% (1004/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 26% (1045/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 27% (1085/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 28% (1125/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 29% (1165/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 30% (1206/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 31% (1245/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 32% (1286/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 33% (1326/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 34% (1366/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 35% (1406/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 36% (1446/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 37% (1486/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 38% (1527/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 39% (1567/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 40% (1608/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 41% (1647/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 42% (1687/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 43% (1727/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 44% (1768/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 45% (1808/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 46% (1848/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 47% (1888/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 48% (1928/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 49% (1968/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 50% (2008/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 51% (2049/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 52% (2089/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 53% (2129/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 54% (2169/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 55% (2209/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 56% (2249/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 57% (2290/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 58% (2330/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 59% (2370/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 60% (2410/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 61% (2450/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 62% (2490/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 63% (2531/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 64% (2571/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 65% (2611/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 66% (2651/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 67% (2691/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 68% (2731/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 69% (2772/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 70% (2812/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 71% (2852/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 72% (2892/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 73% (2932/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 74% (2972/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 75% (3012/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 76% (3053/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 77% (3093/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 78% (3133/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 79% (3173/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 80% (3213/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 81% (3253/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 82% (3294/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 83% (3334/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 84% (3374/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 85% (3414/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 86% (3454/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 87% (3494/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 88% (3535/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 89% (3575/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 90% (3615/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 91% (3655/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 92% (3695/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 93% (3735/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 94% (3776/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 95% (3816/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 96% (3856/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 97% (3896/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 98% (3936/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 99% (3976/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 100% (4016/4016) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:00 Resolving deltas: 100% (4016/4016), completed with 160 local objects. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 From build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] olympus_merge_point_20082412 -> olympus_merge_point_20082412 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] olympus_milestone_2 -> olympus_milestone_2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] olympus_milestone_3 -> olympus_milestone_3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] olympus_milestone_4 -> olympus_milestone_4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] phpbb2_RC4_release_point -> phpbb2_RC4_release_point build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] phpbb2_RC4_release_point_2 -> phpbb2_RC4_release_point_2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] phpbb2_RC4_release_point_3 -> phpbb2_RC4_release_point_3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] phpbb2_merge_point_20020420 -> phpbb2_merge_point_20020420 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.0 -> release-2.0.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.1 -> release-2.0.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.10 -> release-2.0.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.11 -> release-2.0.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.12 -> release-2.0.12 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.13 -> release-2.0.13 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.14 -> release-2.0.14 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.15 -> release-2.0.15 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.16 -> release-2.0.16 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.17 -> release-2.0.17 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.18 -> release-2.0.18 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.19 -> release-2.0.19 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.2 -> release-2.0.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.20 -> release-2.0.20 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.21 -> release-2.0.21 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.22 -> release-2.0.22 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.23 -> release-2.0.23 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.3 -> release-2.0.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.4 -> release-2.0.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.5 -> release-2.0.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.6 -> release-2.0.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.7 -> release-2.0.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.8 -> release-2.0.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.8a -> release-2.0.8a build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-2.0.9 -> release-2.0.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-3.0.11 -> release-3.0.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-3.0.12 -> release-3.0.12 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-3.0.13 -> release-3.0.13 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-3.2.0-a2 -> release-3.2.0-a2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] release-3.2.0-b1 -> release-3.2.0-b1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 * [new tag] start -> start build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 Buildfile: /data/build/build.xml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 phpBB > clean: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/logs does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/api does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/codebrowser does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/coverage does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/cpd does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/dependencies does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/save does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 phpBB > prepare: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/logs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/api build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/codebrowser build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/coverage build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/cpd build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/dependencies build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/patches build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/release_files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/update build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/save build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 phpBB > prepare-new-version: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 Installing dependencies from lock file build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 Package operations: 71 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 Cannot create cache directory /.composer/cache/files/, or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache. See also cache-read-only config if your filesystem is read-only. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/installers (v1.12.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/package-versions-deprecated ( build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading bantu/ini-get-wrapper (v1.0.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading carlos-mg89/oauth (0.8.15) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading chita/topological_sort (v3.0.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/process (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/finder (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/filesystem (v6.3.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/string (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading psr/container (2.0.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/service-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/console (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading seld/signal-handler (2.0.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading seld/phar-utils (1.2.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading seld/jsonlint (1.10.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading react/promise (v3.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading psr/log (3.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.12) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/pcre (3.1.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/xdebug-handler (3.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/spdx-licenses (1.5.7) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/semver (3.4.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/metadata-minifier (1.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/class-map-generator (1.1.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/ca-bundle (1.3.7) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading composer/composer (2.6.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading psr/cache (3.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading doctrine/event-manager (1.2.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading doctrine/cache (2.2.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading doctrine/dbal (3.3.8) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading google/recaptcha (1.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading psr/http-message (1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.9.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading guzzlehttp/promises (1.5.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.5.8) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading laminas/laminas-code (4.12.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading marc1706/fast-image-size (v1.1.7) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading s9e/sweetdom (2.1.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading s9e/regexp-builder (1.4.6) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading s9e/text-formatter (2.14.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/config (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.28.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/var-dumper (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/error-handler (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/mime (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/var-exporter (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/dependency-injection (v6.3.4) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.16) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v6.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/routing (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading twig/twig (v3.7.1) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/translation-contracts (v3.3.0) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/twig-bridge (v6.3.2) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 - Downloading symfony/yaml (v6.3.3) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:02 0/71 [>---------------------------] 0% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 8/71 [===>------------------------] 11% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 20/71 [=======>--------------------] 28% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 32/71 [============>---------------] 45% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 40/71 [===============>------------] 56% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 44/71 [=================>----------] 61% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 54/71 [=====================>------] 76% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 60/71 [=======================>----] 84% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 67/71 [==========================>-] 94% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 71/71 [============================] 100% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/installers (v1.12.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/package-versions-deprecated ( Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing bantu/ini-get-wrapper (v1.0.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing carlos-mg89/oauth (0.8.15): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing chita/topological_sort (v3.0.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/process (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/finder (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/filesystem (v6.3.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/string (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing psr/container (2.0.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/console (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing seld/signal-handler (2.0.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing seld/phar-utils (1.2.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing seld/jsonlint (1.10.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing react/promise (v3.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing psr/log (3.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.12): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/pcre (3.1.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/xdebug-handler (3.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/spdx-licenses (1.5.7): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/semver (3.4.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/metadata-minifier (1.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/class-map-generator (1.1.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/ca-bundle (1.3.7): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing composer/composer (2.6.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing psr/cache (3.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing doctrine/event-manager (1.2.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing doctrine/cache (2.2.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing doctrine/dbal (3.3.8): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing google/recaptcha (1.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing psr/http-message (1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (1.9.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (1.5.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (6.5.8): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing laminas/laminas-code (4.12.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing marc1706/fast-image-size (v1.1.7): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing s9e/sweetdom (2.1.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing s9e/regexp-builder (1.4.6): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing s9e/text-formatter (2.14.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/config (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.28.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/error-handler (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/mime (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/var-exporter (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/dependency-injection (v6.3.4): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.16): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v6.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/routing (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing twig/twig (v3.7.1): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/translation-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/twig-bridge (v6.3.2): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 - Installing symfony/yaml (v6.3.3): Extracting archive build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:03 0/69 [>---------------------------] 0% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 10/69 [====>-----------------------] 14% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 19/69 [=======>--------------------] 27% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 29/69 [===========>----------------] 42% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 36/69 [==============>-------------] 52% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 46/69 [==================>---------] 66% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 51/69 [====================>-------] 73% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 61/69 [========================>---] 88% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:04 69/69 [============================] 100% build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:05 Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:05 Generating optimized autoload files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 53 packages you are using are looking for funding. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/composer.phar build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 phpBB > clean-vendor-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/bantu/ini-get-wrapper/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/bantu/ini-get-wrapper/.gitignore build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/bantu/ini-get-wrapper/.scrutinizer.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/bantu/ini-get-wrapper/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/bantu/ini-get-wrapper/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/bantu/ini-get-wrapper/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/google/recaptcha/examples does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/google/recaptcha/tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/google/recaptcha/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/google/recaptcha/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/google/recaptcha/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/google/recaptcha/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/google/recaptcha/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/build does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/docs does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/.editorconfig to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/Makefile to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/docs does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/Makefile to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/README.rst to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/ringphp/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/CHANGELOG.rst to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/Makefile to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/README.rst to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/guzzlehttp/streams/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/examples does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/.scrutinizer.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/dist does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/other does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/patchwork/utf8/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/patchwork/utf8/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/patchwork/utf8/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/patchwork/utf8/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/Test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/psr/log/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/psr/log/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/react/promise/tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/react/promise/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/react/promise/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/react/promise/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/react/promise/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/react/promise/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/config/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/config/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/config/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/config/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/config/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/config/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/console/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/console/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/console/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/console/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/console/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/console/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/debug/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/debug/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/debug/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/debug/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/debug/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/debug/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/filesystem/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/filesystem/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/filesystem/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/filesystem/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/filesystem/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/filesystem/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/finder/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/finder/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/finder/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/finder/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/finder/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/finder/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/proxy-manager-bridge/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/proxy-manager-bridge/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/proxy-manager-bridge/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/proxy-manager-bridge/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/proxy-manager-bridge/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/proxy-manager-bridge/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/routing/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/routing/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/routing/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/routing/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/routing/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/routing/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/yaml/.git does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/yaml/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/yaml/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/yaml/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/symfony/yaml/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/doc does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/ext does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/.editorconfig to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/.gitignore to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/CHANGELOG build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/phpunit.xml.dist to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/twig/twig/README.rst build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/zendframework/zend-code/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/zendframework/zend-code/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/zendframework/zend-eventmanager/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/zendframework/zend-stdlib/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/vendor/zendframework/zend-stdlib/ to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.13 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 11% (65/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 15% (87/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 24% (139/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Already on 'master' build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of HEAD in build/new_version/phpBB3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/new_version/phpBB3/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/new_version/phpBB3/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/new_version/phpBB3/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/new_version/phpBB3/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:07  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/new_version/phpBB3/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-4.0.0-a1-dev/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-4.0.0-a1-dev/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-4.0.0-a1-dev/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-4.0.0-a1-dev/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-4.0.0-a1-dev/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-4.0.0-a1-dev/vendor build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [touch] Creating /data/build/new_version/phpBB3/config.php build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09 phpBB > old-version-diffs: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.0 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:09  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.0/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.1 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:10  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.1/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.2 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.2/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.3 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.3/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.4 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.4/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.5 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:15  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.5/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.6 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:16  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.6/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:17  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.7 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.7-pl1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:21  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.7-pl1 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.7-pl1/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:22  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.8 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:23  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.8/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:24  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.9 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.9/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:26  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.10 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.10/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:27  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.11 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:28  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.11/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [echo] Retrieving version 3.1.12 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/config/development does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/config/test does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.1.12 in build/old_versions/release-3.1.12 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:29  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.1.12/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:30 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.50 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.0'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 HEAD is now at 5441364 Update version to 1.0.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.0 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:31  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.0/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:32 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 7.16 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 59% (340/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 79% (454/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 97% (557/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.1'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 HEAD is now at bc268e6 Merge pull request #49 from VSEphpbb/release build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.1 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.1/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 1.55 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:34 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 58% (334/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.2'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 HEAD is now at da2cda3 Update to 1.0.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.2 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.2/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.92 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 18% (105/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 20% (116/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 46% (265/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 69% (397/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.3'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 HEAD is now at 8bd2873 Merge pull request #51 from scootergrisen/patch-1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.3 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:36  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.3/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:37 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.92 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 12% (70/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 28% (162/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 30% (173/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 34% (196/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 36% (208/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 37% (214/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 46% (265/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 58% (334/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 74% (426/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.4'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 HEAD is now at 52776e1 Merge pull request #52 from VSEphpbb/updates build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.4 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:38  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.4/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:39 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 8.94 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 68% (391/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.5'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 HEAD is now at e03c04d Merge pull request #53 from marc1706/update/1.0.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.5 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:40  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.5/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:41 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 5.96 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 46% (265/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.6'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 HEAD is now at e03c04d Merge pull request #53 from marc1706/update/1.0.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.6 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.6/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:42  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.31 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 25% (145/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.7'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 HEAD is now at e03c04d Merge pull request #53 from marc1706/update/1.0.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.7 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:43  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.7/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:44 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 10.22 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 9% (53/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 24% (139/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.8'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 HEAD is now at e03c04d Merge pull request #53 from marc1706/update/1.0.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.8 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:45  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.8/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:46 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 8.94 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 10% (60/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 48% (277/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 83% (477/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.9'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 HEAD is now at 66e2b26 Update to 1.0.5 for last 3.2.x version build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.9 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:47  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.9/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:48 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 1.54 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 16% (93/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 33% (191/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 41% (236/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 82% (471/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.2.10'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 HEAD is now at 66e2b26 Update to 1.0.5 for last 3.2.x version build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.10 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:49  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.10/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50  [echo] Retrieving version 3.2.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:50 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 11.30 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 20% (116/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 44% (254/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 64% (368/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 73% (420/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 88% (506/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.2.11' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.2.11 in build/old_versions/release-3.2.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.2.11/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:51  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 1.53 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 11% (65/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 24% (139/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:52 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.3.0'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 HEAD is now at 6913153 Merge branch '3.2.x' build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.0 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.0 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.0/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:53  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.71 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 39% (225/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 41% (236/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 91% (523/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Note: switching to 'release-phpbb-3.3.1'. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 git switch -c build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Or undo this operation with: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 git switch - build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54 HEAD is now at 6913153 Merge branch '3.2.x' build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:54  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.1 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.1 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.1/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:55 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 1.54 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 45% (259/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.2' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.2 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:56  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.2/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:57 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 1.54 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 28% (162/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 40% (231/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.3' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.3 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.3 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:58  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.3/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59  build 22-Oct-2023 14:21:59 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 10.22 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 50% (288/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 97% (557/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:00 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.4' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.4 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.4 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.4/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:01  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 10.22 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 18% (105/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 74% (426/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:04 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.5' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.5 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.5 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.5/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:05  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 8.94 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 5% (30/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 9% (53/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 10% (59/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 44% (255/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.6' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.6 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.6 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:06  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.6/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:07 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 5.80 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 37% (214/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 42% (242/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 67% (385/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 91% (523/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.7' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.7 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.7 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.7/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:08  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.92 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 54% (311/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 65% (374/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.8' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.8 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.8 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:09  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.8/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:10 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 11.30 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 74% (426/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.9' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.9 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.9 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:11  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.9/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:12 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 1.52 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 94% (540/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.10' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.10 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.10 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:13  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.10/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 phpBB > old-version-diff: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14  [echo] Retrieving version 3.3.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14  [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 phpBB > export: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Cloning into 'viglink'... build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Enumerating objects: 1117, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 1% (1/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 3% (2/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 4% (3/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 6% (4/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 8% (5/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 9% (6/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 11% (7/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 13% (8/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 14% (9/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 16% (10/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 18% (11/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 19% (12/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 21% (13/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 22% (14/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 24% (15/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 26% (16/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 27% (17/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 29% (18/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 31% (19/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 32% (20/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 34% (21/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 36% (22/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 37% (23/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 39% (24/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 40% (25/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 42% (26/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 44% (27/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 45% (28/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 47% (29/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 49% (30/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 50% (31/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 52% (32/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 54% (33/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 55% (34/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 57% (35/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 59% (36/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 60% (37/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 62% (38/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 63% (39/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 65% (40/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 67% (41/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 68% (42/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 70% (43/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 72% (44/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 73% (45/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 75% (46/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 77% (47/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 78% (48/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 80% (49/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 81% (50/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 83% (51/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 85% (52/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 86% (53/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 88% (54/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 90% (55/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 91% (56/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 93% (57/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 95% (58/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 96% (59/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 98% (60/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Counting objects: 100% (61/61), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 2% (1/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 4% (2/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 7% (3/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 9% (4/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 11% (5/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 14% (6/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 16% (7/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 19% (8/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 21% (9/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 23% (10/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 26% (11/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 28% (12/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 30% (13/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 33% (14/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 35% (15/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 38% (16/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 40% (17/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 42% (18/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 45% (19/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 47% (20/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 50% (21/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 52% (22/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 54% (23/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 57% (24/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 59% (25/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 61% (26/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 64% (27/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 66% (28/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 69% (29/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 71% (30/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 73% (31/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 76% (32/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 78% (33/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 80% (34/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 83% (35/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 85% (36/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 88% (37/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 90% (38/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 92% (39/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 95% (40/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 97% (41/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42/42), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 0% (1/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 1% (12/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 2% (23/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 3% (34/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 4% (45/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 5% (56/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 6% (68/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 7% (79/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 8% (90/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 9% (101/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 10% (112/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 11% (123/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 12% (135/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 13% (146/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 14% (157/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 15% (168/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 16% (179/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 17% (190/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 18% (202/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 19% (213/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 20% (224/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 21% (235/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 22% (246/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 23% (257/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 24% (269/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 25% (280/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 26% (291/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 27% (302/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 28% (313/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 29% (324/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 30% (336/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 31% (347/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 32% (358/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 33% (369/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 34% (380/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 35% (391/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 36% (403/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 37% (414/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 38% (425/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 39% (436/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 40% (447/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 41% (458/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 42% (470/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 43% (481/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 44% (492/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 45% (503/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 46% (514/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 47% (525/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 48% (537/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 49% (548/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 50% (559/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 51% (570/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 52% (581/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 53% (593/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 54% (604/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 55% (615/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 56% (626/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 57% (637/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 58% (648/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 59% (660/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 60% (671/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 61% (682/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 62% (693/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 63% (704/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 64% (715/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 65% (727/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 66% (738/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 67% (749/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 68% (760/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 69% (771/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 70% (782/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 71% (794/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 72% (805/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 73% (816/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 74% (827/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 75% (838/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 76% (849/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 77% (861/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 78% (872/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 79% (883/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 80% (894/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 81% (905/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 82% (916/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 83% (928/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 84% (939/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 85% (950/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 86% (961/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 87% (972/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 88% (983/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 89% (995/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 90% (1006/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 91% (1017/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 92% (1028/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 93% (1039/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 94% (1050/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 95% (1062/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 96% (1073/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 97% (1084/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 remote: Total 1117 (delta 18), reused 36 (delta 10), pack-reused 1056 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 98% (1095/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 99% (1106/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Receiving objects: 100% (1117/1117), 214.66 KiB | 6.92 MiB/s, done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 0% (0/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 1% (6/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 2% (12/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 3% (18/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 4% (23/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 5% (29/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 6% (35/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 7% (41/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 8% (46/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 9% (52/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 10% (58/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 11% (64/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 12% (69/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 13% (75/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 14% (81/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 15% (86/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 16% (92/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 17% (98/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 18% (104/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 19% (109/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 20% (115/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 21% (121/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 22% (127/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 23% (132/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 24% (138/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 25% (144/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 26% (149/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 27% (155/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 28% (161/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 29% (167/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 30% (172/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 31% (178/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 32% (184/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 33% (190/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 34% (195/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 35% (201/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 36% (207/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 37% (213/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 38% (218/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 39% (224/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 40% (230/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 41% (235/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 42% (241/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 43% (247/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 44% (253/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 45% (258/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 46% (264/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 47% (270/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 48% (276/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 49% (281/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 50% (287/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 51% (293/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 52% (298/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 53% (304/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 54% (310/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 55% (316/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 56% (321/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 57% (327/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 58% (333/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 59% (339/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 60% (344/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 61% (350/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 62% (356/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 63% (361/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 64% (367/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 65% (373/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 66% (379/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 67% (384/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 68% (390/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 69% (396/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 70% (402/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 71% (407/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 72% (413/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 73% (419/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 74% (425/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 75% (430/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 76% (436/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 77% (442/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 78% (447/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 79% (453/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 80% (459/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 81% (465/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 82% (470/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 83% (476/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 84% (482/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 85% (488/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 86% (493/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 87% (499/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 88% (505/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 89% (510/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 90% (516/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 91% (522/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 92% (528/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 93% (533/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 94% (539/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 95% (545/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 96% (551/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 97% (556/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 98% (562/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 99% (568/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573) build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:14 Resolving deltas: 100% (573/573), done. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15 error: pathspec 'release-phpbb-3.3.11' did not match any file(s) known to git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/.git build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/tests build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/travis does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/.gitattributes build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/.travis.yml to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/phpunit.xml.dist build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting: /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/ext/phpbb/viglink/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Could not find file /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/config.php to delete. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/develop build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/install/data build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/config/development build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/config/test build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [echo] Setting permissions for checkout of release-3.3.11 in build/old_versions/release-3.3.11 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/cache' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/store' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/files' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/images/avatars/upload' to 777 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [chmod] Changed file mode on '/data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/bin/phpbbcli.php' to 755 build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15 phpBB > clean-diff-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/cache build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/docs build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/files build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/install build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Deleting directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/store build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions/release-3.3.11/vendor does not exist or is not a directory. build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15 phpBB > package: build 22-Oct-2023 14:22:15  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:30  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:30 phpBB > checksum-dir: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:30  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.8_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.3_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.0_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.7-pl1_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.5_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.3_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.6_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-4.0.0-a1-dev-files.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:31  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:32  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.10_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.5_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.8_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.10_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.2_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.11_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:33  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.9_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.0_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.6_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:34  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.11_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.3_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.7_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.2_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.9_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.5_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.9_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.7_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.12_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:35  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.11_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.4_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.10_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.1_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.0_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.4_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:36  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.1_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:37  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.6_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.8_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-4.0.0-a1-dev-patch.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.2.4_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.1_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:38  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.1.7_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/phpBB-3.3.2_to_4.0.0-a1-dev.tar.bz2 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 phpBB > checksum-file: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  [echo] Creating checksum file for build/new_version/release_files/ build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  [php] Calling PHP function: dirname() build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 phpBB > sign-packages: build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  [echo] Skipping signing of packages due to missing build/package_signature build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 BUILD FINISHED build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 Total time: 22 minutes 38.18 seconds build 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39  simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 Finished task 'Package release files' with result: Success simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:39 Publishing an artifact: Release Files simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:43 Finished publishing of artifact Non required job artifact: [Release Files], pattern: [**/*.*] anchored at: [build/new_version/release_files/] in 3.508 s simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:43 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:43 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:43:43 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Successfully removed working directory at '/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Finalising the build... simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Stopping timer. simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Build PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199 completed. simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 All post build plugins have finished simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Generating build results summary... simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Saving build results to disk... simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Store variable context... simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Indexing build results... simple 22-Oct-2023 14:44:25 Finished building PHPBB3-DDM-P5SP-1199.