Tests pending pull requests

Build: #7381 failed Manual run by Build Robot

Build result summary


Queue duration
2 seconds
6 minutes
Custom build
Default Agent
65aaef1f83920fc25266fbea5608427bb930f329 65aaef1f83920fc25266fbea5608427bb930f329
Total tests
Failing since
#7376 (Manual run by Build Robot)
Fixed in
#7386 (Manual run by Build Robot)



This build has been failing since #7376
No one has taken responsibility

Custom variables

Name Value
PRnumber 4847
PRref master


Existing test failures 9
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_bookmark_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array(), array(array(5, 1, 1)), array(array(3, 2, 1), array(5, 1, 1), array(7, 2, 1)))
Failed asserting that two arrays are equal.
--- Expected
+++ Actual
@@ @@
 Array (
     0 => Array (...)
     1 => Array (...)
(9 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_post_in_queue_test::test_submit_post with data set #1 (array(false), array(array(6, 1, 1)), array(array(3, 2, 1), array(6, 1, 1), array(6, 2, 1), array(8, 2, 1), array(9, 2, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_post_in_queue_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array(), array(array(6, 1, 1)), array(array(6, 1, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_post_test::test_submit_post with data set #1 (array(false), array(array(5, 1, 1), array(8, 1, 1)), array(array(5, 1, 1), array(8, 1, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_post_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array(), array(array(5, 1, 1), array(8, 1, 1)), array(array(3, 2, 1), array(5, 1, 1), array(6, 2, 1), array(7, 2, 1), array(8, 1, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_quote_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array('<r><QUOTE author="poster"><s>...E></r>', 'uid'), array(array(5, 1, 1)), array(array(3, 2, 1), array(5, 1, 1), array(5, 2, 1), array(7, 2, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_quote_test::test_submit_post with data set #1 (array('<r><QUOTE author="poster"><s>...E></r>', 'uid', false), array(array(5, 1, 1)), array(array(5, 1, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_topic_test::test_submit_post with data set #1 (array(false), array(array(8, 1, 1)), array(array(8, 1, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)
phpbb_notification_submit_post_type_topic_test::test_submit_post with data set #0 (array(), array(array(8, 1, 1)), array(array(7, 2, 1), array(8, 1, 1), array(8, 2, 1)))
phpbb\notification\exception: NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_EXISTnotification.type.mention

(1 more lines...)