Tests pending pull requests

Build: #9351 failed Manual run by Build Robot

Build result summary


Queue duration
1 second
10 minutes
Custom build
Default Agent
dc8ff9da28b8ab4ad11c7ea94cca526f17c87fe5 dc8ff9da28b8ab4ad11c7ea94cca526f17c87fe5
Total tests
Failing since
#9346 (Manual run by Build Robot)
Fixed in
#9353 (Manual run by Build Robot)



This build has been failing since #9346
No one has taken responsibility

Custom variables

Name Value
PRnumber 5564
PRref 3.2.x


Existing test failures 11
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #0 ('', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #3 ('', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #4 ('secure.gravatar.com:80/avatar...d0.jpg', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #1 ('', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #2 ('secure.gravatar.com/avatar/55...d0.jpg', 80, 80)
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #7 ('2001:db8:0:0:0:0:2:1/avatar/5...d0.jpg', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #8 ('secure.gravatar.com/2001:db8:...d0.jpg', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #5 ('secure.gravatar.com:80?55502f...d0.jpg', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #6 ('secure.gravatar.com?55502f40d...d0.jpg', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_avatar_manager_test::test_remote_avatar_url with data set #9 ('secure.gravatar.com/', 80, 80, array('AVATAR_URL_INVALID'))
Error: Call to a member function trigger_event() on null

phpbb_event_export_php_test::test_crawl_php_file with data set #280 ('phpbb/avatar/driver/remote.php')
LogicException: Found invalid @var '$error' in docblock for event 'core.ucp_profile_avatar_upload_validation' in file 'phpbb/avatar/driver/remote.php:97'
