Tests pending pull requests

Build: #10227 was successful

Job: Build and Test Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Build and Test

Job result summary

5 minutes
Custom build
Default Agent
d365f17ebde1cf3e57b4749bf91e2c9e7592fb7f d365f17ebde1cf3e57b4749bf91e2c9e7592fb7f
Total tests
First to pass since
#10225 (Manual run by Build Robot)


  • 7,399 tests in total
  • 123 tests were fixed
  • 269 tests were skipped
  • 3 minutes taken in total.
Fixed tests 123
Status Test Failing since Duration
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_phpbb_eventsmd with data set #0 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #100 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #101 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #102 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #103 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #104 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #105 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #106 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #107 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #108 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #109 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #110 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #111 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #112 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #113 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #114 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #115 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #116 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #117 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #118 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #119 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #120 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #121 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #122 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #123 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #124 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #125 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #126 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #127 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #128 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #129 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #130 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #131 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #132 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #133 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #134 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #135 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #136 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #137 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #138 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #139 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #140 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #141 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #142 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #143 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #144 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #145 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #146 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #147 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_event_md_exporter_test test_crawl_template_file with data set #148 History
Failing since build #10225 (Manual run by Build Robot) < 1 sec

Error summary

The build generated some errors. See the full build log for more details.

From https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb
* branch            refs/pull/6625/head -> FETCH_HEAD
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  1746  100  1563  100   183   2574    301 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2574
From https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb
* branch            refs/pull/6625/merge -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: checking out 'FETCH_HEAD'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 7b498fc... Merge b7ba2490329fa118bffe1552bb164d0ada7eb432 into d365f17ebde1cf3e57b4749bf91e2c9e7592fb7f
From https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb
* branch            refs/pull/6625/head -> FETCH_HEAD
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  1742  100  1561  100   181   2759    319 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2762