Tests pending pull requests

Build: #7182 failed

Job: Build and Test Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Build and Test

Build log

The build generated 1,213 lines of output.The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

15-May-2017 20:04:10     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:10
15-May-2017 20:04:10   - Installing sebastian/exporter (1.2.2)
15-May-2017 20:04:11     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:11
15-May-2017 20:04:11   - Installing sebastian/environment (1.3.8)
15-May-2017 20:04:12     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:12
15-May-2017 20:04:12   - Installing sebastian/diff (1.4.1)
15-May-2017 20:04:12     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:12
15-May-2017 20:04:12   - Installing sebastian/comparator (1.2.2)
15-May-2017 20:04:13     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 90%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:13
15-May-2017 20:04:13   - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1)
15-May-2017 20:04:13     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:13
15-May-2017 20:04:13   - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.0.5)
15-May-2017 20:04:14     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:14
15-May-2017 20:04:14   - Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (2.3.8)
15-May-2017 20:04:14     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 25%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 85%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:14
15-May-2017 20:04:14   - Installing phpunit/php-timer (1.0.8)
15-May-2017 20:04:15     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:15
15-May-2017 20:04:15   - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (1.4.2)
15-May-2017 20:04:16     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:16
15-May-2017 20:04:16   - Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (1.4.9)
15-May-2017 20:04:16     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:16
15-May-2017 20:04:16   - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (2.2.4)
15-May-2017 20:04:17     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 25%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 90%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:17
15-May-2017 20:04:17   - Installing phpspec/prophecy (v1.6.2)
15-May-2017 20:04:18     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 25%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 85%    Downloading: 90%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:18
15-May-2017 20:04:18   - Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.8.31)
15-May-2017 20:04:18     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 25%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 85%    Downloading: 90%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:18
15-May-2017 20:04:18   - Installing phpunit/dbunit (2.0.3)
15-May-2017 20:04:19     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 25%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 85%    Downloading: 90%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:19
15-May-2017 20:04:19   - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (2.7.1)
15-May-2017 20:04:20     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 5%    Downloading: 10%    Downloading: 15%    Downloading: 20%    Downloading: 25%    Downloading: 30%    Downloading: 35%    Downloading: 40%    Downloading: 45%    Downloading: 50%    Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 60%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 70%    Downloading: 75%    Downloading: 80%    Downloading: 85%    Downloading: 90%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:20
15-May-2017 20:04:20   - Installing webmozart/assert (1.2.0)
15-May-2017 20:04:20     Downloading: Connecting...    Downloading: 0%               Downloading: 55%    Downloading: 65%    Downloading: 95%    Downloading: 100%
15-May-2017 20:04:20
15-May-2017 20:04:22 lusitanian/oauth suggests installing predis/predis (Allows using the Redis storage backend.)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 paragonie/random_compat suggests installing ext-libsodium (Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes.)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 patchwork/utf8 suggests installing ext-intl (Use Intl for best performance)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 patchwork/utf8 suggests installing ext-wfio (Use WFIO for UTF-8 filesystem access on Windows)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 s9e/text-formatter suggests installing ext-intl (Allows international URLs to be accepted by the URL filter)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 s9e/text-formatter suggests installing ext-xsl (Enables the XSLT renderer)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader ()
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/var-dumper ()
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/dependency-injection suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expressions in service container configuration)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 zendframework/zend-eventmanager suggests installing container-interop/container-interop (^1.1.0, to use the lazy listeners feature)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 zendframework/zend-eventmanager suggests installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (^2.7.3 || ^3.0, to use the FilterChain feature)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 zendframework/zend-code suggests installing doctrine/annotations (Doctrine\Common\Annotations >=1.0 for annotation features)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 zendframework/zend-code suggests installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (Zend\Stdlib component)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing ocramius/generated-hydrator (To have very fast object to array to object conversion for ghost objects)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-json (To have the JsonRpc adapter (Remote Object feature))
15-May-2017 20:04:22 ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-soap (To have the Soap adapter (Remote Object feature))
15-May-2017 20:04:22 ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-stdlib (To use the hydrator proxy)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 ocramius/proxy-manager suggests installing zendframework/zend-xmlrpc (To have the XmlRpc adapter (Remote Object feature))
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/routing suggests installing doctrine/annotations (For using the annotation loader)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expression matching)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/asset (For using the AssetExtension)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the ExpressionExtension)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/form (For using the FormExtension)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/security (For using the SecurityExtension)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/stopwatch (For using the StopwatchExtension)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/templating (For using the TwigEngine)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/translation (For using the TranslationExtension)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 symfony/twig-bridge suggests installing symfony/var-dumper (For using the DumpExtension)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 facebook/webdriver suggests installing phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor (2.*)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock suggests installing dflydev/markdown (~1.0)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock suggests installing erusev/parsedown (~1.0)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects suggests installing ext-soap (*)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
15-May-2017 20:04:22 Generating autoload files
15-May-2017 20:04:22 Buildfile: /data/build/build.xml
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23 phpBB > clean:
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/logs does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/api does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/codebrowser does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/coverage does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/cpd does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/dependencies does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/new_version does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/old_versions does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23    [delete] Directory /data/build/save does not exist or is not a directory.
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23 phpBB > prepare:
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/logs
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/api
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/codebrowser
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/coverage
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/cpd
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/dependencies
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/files
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/patches
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/release_files
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/new_version/update
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/old_versions
15-May-2017 20:04:23     [mkdir] Created dir: /data/build/save
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23 BUILD FINISHED
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23 Total time: 0.1158 seconds
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23 Finished task 'Prepare directory' with result: Success
15-May-2017 20:04:23 Skipping execution of task 'Run sniffs' as it is disabled
15-May-2017 20:04:23
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.working.directory} with /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1
15-May-2017 20:04:23 Starting task 'Run sniffs' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-docker-plugin:task.docker.cli'
15-May-2017 20:04:23 Running image name (phpbb:php-5.6)
15-May-2017 20:04:23
Beginning to execute external process for build 'phpBB3 - Pull Requests - Build and Test Job #7182 (PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182)'
... running command line:
/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data/build --rm -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing sniff
... in: /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_planRepository_1_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_shortPlanName=Pull Requests
bamboo_planRepository_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_shortJobName=Build and Test Job
bamboo_planName=phpBB3 - Pull Requests
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_7=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/temp/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182-ScriptBuildTask-5462914413241653498.sh
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_4=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/temp/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182-ScriptBuildTask-1597446187301996834.sh
bamboo_buildPlanName=phpBB3 - Pull Requests - Build and Test Job
bamboo_repository_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_12=/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data/phpBB --rm -e HOME=/home/bamboo -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 /bin/bash -c php ../composer.phar install --dev; cd ../build; ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing clean prepare
bamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=Build Robot
bamboo_repository_75956235_name=phpBB Ascraeus
15-May-2017 20:04:23 Buildfile: /data/build/build.xml
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:23 phpBB > sniff:
15-May-2017 20:04:23
15-May-2017 20:04:31 ............................................................  60 / 700 (9%)
15-May-2017 20:04:33 ............................................................ 120 / 700 (17%)
15-May-2017 20:04:34 ............................................................ 180 / 700 (26%)
15-May-2017 20:04:35 ............................................................ 240 / 700 (34%)
15-May-2017 20:04:41 ............................................................ 300 / 700 (43%)
15-May-2017 20:04:45 ............................................................ 360 / 700 (51%)
15-May-2017 20:04:51 ............................................................ 420 / 700 (60%)
15-May-2017 20:04:55 ............................................................ 480 / 700 (69%)
15-May-2017 20:04:59 ............................................................ 540 / 700 (77%)
15-May-2017 20:05:04 ............................................................ 600 / 700 (86%)
15-May-2017 20:05:07 ............................................................ 660 / 700 (94%)
15-May-2017 20:05:09 ........................................
15-May-2017 20:05:09
15-May-2017 20:05:09 Time: 45.55 secs; Memory: 79.5Mb
15-May-2017 20:05:09
15-May-2017 20:05:17 ............................................................  60 / 206 (29%)
15-May-2017 20:05:36 ............................................................ 120 / 206 (58%)
15-May-2017 20:05:51 ............................................................ 180 / 206 (87%)
15-May-2017 20:05:58 ..........................
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58 Time: 49.4 secs; Memory: 60.25Mb
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58 Time: 17ms; Memory: 3.5Mb
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58 BUILD FINISHED
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58 Total time: 2 minutes  35.37 seconds
15-May-2017 20:05:58
15-May-2017 20:05:58 Finished task 'Run sniffs' with result: Success
15-May-2017 20:05:58 Skipping execution of task 'Run tests' as it is disabled
15-May-2017 20:05:58
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.working.directory} with /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1
15-May-2017 20:05:58 Starting task 'Run tests' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-docker-plugin:task.docker.cli'
15-May-2017 20:05:58 Running image name (phpbb:php-5.6)
15-May-2017 20:05:58
Beginning to execute external process for build 'phpBB3 - Pull Requests - Build and Test Job #7182 (PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182)'
... running command line:
/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data --rm -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 /bin/bash -c phpBB/vendor/bin/phpunit --log-junit build/logs/phpunit.xml
... in: /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_planRepository_1_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_shortPlanName=Pull Requests
bamboo_planRepository_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_shortJobName=Build and Test Job
bamboo_planName=phpBB3 - Pull Requests
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_7=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/temp/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182-ScriptBuildTask-5462914413241653498.sh
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_4=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/temp/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182-ScriptBuildTask-1597446187301996834.sh
bamboo_buildPlanName=phpBB3 - Pull Requests - Build and Test Job
bamboo_repository_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_11=/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data/build --rm -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing sniff
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_12=/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data/phpBB --rm -e HOME=/home/bamboo -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 /bin/bash -c php ../composer.phar install --dev; cd ../build; ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing clean prepare
bamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=Build Robot
bamboo_repository_75956235_name=phpBB Ascraeus
15-May-2017 20:06:02 PHPUnit 4.8.31 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
15-May-2017 20:06:02
15-May-2017 20:06:09 .............................................................   61 / 6939 (  0%)
15-May-2017 20:06:09 .............................................................  122 / 6939 (  1%)
15-May-2017 20:06:10 ...I.....SSSS............SSSS.........S...S..................  183 / 6939 (  2%)
15-May-2017 20:06:13 ....................................................S........  244 / 6939 (  3%)
15-May-2017 20:06:14 stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
15-May-2017 20:06:14 stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
15-May-2017 20:06:14 stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
15-May-2017 20:06:14 stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
15-May-2017 20:06:20 ....F........................................................  305 / 6939 (  4%)
15-May-2017 20:06:21 .............................................................  366 / 6939 (  5%)
15-May-2017 20:06:22 .............................................................  427 / 6939 (  6%)
15-May-2017 20:06:22 .............................................................  488 / 6939 (  7%)
15-May-2017 20:06:23 .............................................................  549 / 6939 (  7%)
15-May-2017 20:06:24 .............................................................  610 / 6939 (  8%)
15-May-2017 20:06:24 .............................................................  671 / 6939 (  9%)
15-May-2017 20:06:25 .............................................................  732 / 6939 ( 10%)
15-May-2017 20:06:26 .............................................................  793 / 6939 ( 11%)
15-May-2017 20:06:27 .............................................................  854 / 6939 ( 12%)
15-May-2017 20:06:28 .............................................................  915 / 6939 ( 13%)
15-May-2017 20:06:28 .............................................................  976 / 6939 ( 14%)
15-May-2017 20:06:30 ............................................................. 1037 / 6939 ( 14%)
15-May-2017 20:06:35 ..................................I.......................... 1098 / 6939 ( 15%)
15-May-2017 20:06:40 ............................................................. 1159 / 6939 ( 16%)
15-May-2017 20:06:43 ............................................................. 1220 / 6939 ( 17%)
15-May-2017 20:06:44 .S.S.S....................................................... 1281 / 6939 ( 18%)
15-May-2017 20:06:45 ............................................................. 1342 / 6939 ( 19%)
15-May-2017 20:06:45 ............................................................. 1403 / 6939 ( 20%)
15-May-2017 20:06:45 ............................................................. 1464 / 6939 ( 21%)
15-May-2017 20:06:45 ............................................................. 1525 / 6939 ( 21%)
15-May-2017 20:06:46 ............................................................. 1586 / 6939 ( 22%)
15-May-2017 20:06:46 ............................................................. 1647 / 6939 ( 23%)
15-May-2017 20:06:46 ............................................................. 1708 / 6939 ( 24%)
15-May-2017 20:06:46 ............................................................. 1769 / 6939 ( 25%)
15-May-2017 20:06:46 ............................................................. 1830 / 6939 ( 26%)
15-May-2017 20:06:46 ............................................................. 1891 / 6939 ( 27%)
15-May-2017 20:06:46 ............................................................. 1952 / 6939 ( 28%)
15-May-2017 20:06:47 ............................................................. 2013 / 6939 ( 29%)
15-May-2017 20:06:47 ............................................................. 2074 / 6939 ( 29%)
15-May-2017 20:06:48 ............................................................. 2135 / 6939 ( 30%)
15-May-2017 20:06:49 ............................................................. 2196 / 6939 ( 31%)
15-May-2017 20:06:50 ............................................................. 2257 / 6939 ( 32%)
15-May-2017 20:06:51 ............................................................. 2318 / 6939 ( 33%)
15-May-2017 20:07:00 ..I.II............................F.......................... 2379 / 6939 ( 34%)
15-May-2017 20:07:00 ............................................................. 2440 / 6939 ( 35%)
15-May-2017 20:07:00 ............................................................. 2501 / 6939 ( 36%)
15-May-2017 20:07:01 ............................................................. 2562 / 6939 ( 36%)
15-May-2017 20:07:04 ............................................................. 2623 / 6939 ( 37%)
15-May-2017 20:07:05 ............................................................. 2684 / 6939 ( 38%)
15-May-2017 20:07:05 ......................................SSSSSSSSS.............. 2745 / 6939 ( 39%)
15-May-2017 20:07:05 ............................................................. 2806 / 6939 ( 40%)
15-May-2017 20:07:15 ............................................................. 2867 / 6939 ( 41%)
15-May-2017 20:07:20 ............................................................. 2928 / 6939 ( 42%)
15-May-2017 20:07:24 ..............S.............................................. 2989 / 6939 ( 43%)
15-May-2017 20:07:25 ............................................................. 3050 / 6939 ( 43%)
15-May-2017 20:07:34 ...............................FFFFFFFF...................... 3111 / 6939 ( 44%)
15-May-2017 20:07:42 ............................................................. 3172 / 6939 ( 45%)
15-May-2017 20:07:49 ............................................................. 3233 / 6939 ( 46%)
15-May-2017 20:07:50 ............................................................. 3294 / 6939 ( 47%)
15-May-2017 20:07:50 ............................................................. 3355 / 6939 ( 48%)
15-May-2017 20:07:51 ............................................................. 3416 / 6939 ( 49%)
15-May-2017 20:07:51 ............................................................. 3477 / 6939 ( 50%)
15-May-2017 20:07:51 ............................................................. 3538 / 6939 ( 50%)
15-May-2017 20:07:51 ............................................................. 3599 / 6939 ( 51%)
15-May-2017 20:07:51 ............................................................. 3660 / 6939 ( 52%)
15-May-2017 20:07:52 ............................................................. 3721 / 6939 ( 53%)
15-May-2017 20:07:55 ............................................................. 3782 / 6939 ( 54%)
15-May-2017 20:07:56 ............................................................. 3843 / 6939 ( 55%)
15-May-2017 20:07:58 ...........................................F................. 3904 / 6939 ( 56%)
15-May-2017 20:08:00 ......................F...F..F..F..FF......F............FFFF. 3965 / 6939 ( 57%)
15-May-2017 20:08:01 ...FF..........FFFFFFFFFFFFFF................................ 4026 / 6939 ( 58%)
15-May-2017 20:08:07 ............................................................. 4087 / 6939 ( 58%)
15-May-2017 20:08:12 ............................................................. 4148 / 6939 ( 59%)
15-May-2017 20:08:12 ............................................................. 4209 / 6939 ( 60%)
15-May-2017 20:08:13 ............................................................. 4270 / 6939 ( 61%)
15-May-2017 20:08:14 ............................................................. 4331 / 6939 ( 62%)
15-May-2017 20:08:14 ............................................................. 4392 / 6939 ( 63%)
15-May-2017 20:08:14 ............................................................. 4453 / 6939 ( 64%)
15-May-2017 20:08:14 ............................................................. 4514 / 6939 ( 65%)
15-May-2017 20:08:14 ............................................................. 4575 / 6939 ( 65%)
15-May-2017 20:08:14 ............................................................. 4636 / 6939 ( 66%)
15-May-2017 20:08:14 ............................................................. 4697 / 6939 ( 67%)
15-May-2017 20:08:22 ............................................................. 4758 / 6939 ( 68%)
15-May-2017 20:08:31 ......................................S...................... 4819 / 6939 ( 69%)
15-May-2017 20:08:39 ............................................................. 4880 / 6939 ( 70%)
15-May-2017 20:08:47 ............................................................. 4941 / 6939 ( 71%)
15-May-2017 20:08:48 ............................................................. 5002 / 6939 ( 72%)
15-May-2017 20:08:49 ............................................................. 5063 / 6939 ( 72%)
15-May-2017 20:08:49 ............................................................. 5124 / 6939 ( 73%)
15-May-2017 20:08:50 ..................................................SSSSSSSSSSS 5185 / 6939 ( 74%)
15-May-2017 20:08:52 SSSSSS....................................................... 5490 / 6939 ( 79%)
15-May-2017 20:08:54 ............................................................. 5551 / 6939 ( 79%)
15-May-2017 20:08:56 ............................................................. 5612 / 6939 ( 80%)
15-May-2017 20:08:57 ............................................................. 5673 / 6939 ( 81%)
15-May-2017 20:08:59 ............................................................. 5734 / 6939 ( 82%)
15-May-2017 20:09:01 ............................................................. 5795 / 6939 ( 83%)
15-May-2017 20:09:03 ............................................................. 5856 / 6939 ( 84%)
15-May-2017 20:09:05 ............................................................. 5917 / 6939 ( 85%)
15-May-2017 20:09:07 ............................................................. 5978 / 6939 ( 86%)
15-May-2017 20:09:09 ............................................................. 6039 / 6939 ( 87%)
15-May-2017 20:09:11 ............................................................. 6100 / 6939 ( 87%)
15-May-2017 20:09:13 ............................................................. 6161 / 6939 ( 88%)
15-May-2017 20:09:14 ............................................................. 6222 / 6939 ( 89%)
15-May-2017 20:09:16 ............................................................. 6283 / 6939 ( 90%)
15-May-2017 20:09:18 ............................................................. 6344 / 6939 ( 91%)
15-May-2017 20:09:20 ............................................................. 6405 / 6939 ( 92%)
15-May-2017 20:09:22 ............................................................. 6466 / 6939 ( 93%)
15-May-2017 20:09:24 ............................................................. 6527 / 6939 ( 94%)
15-May-2017 20:09:25 ............................................................. 6588 / 6939 ( 94%)
15-May-2017 20:09:28 ............................................................. 6649 / 6939 ( 95%)
15-May-2017 20:09:29 ............................................................. 6710 / 6939 ( 96%)
15-May-2017 20:09:31 ............................................................. 6771 / 6939 ( 97%)
15-May-2017 20:09:33 ............................................................. 6832 / 6939 ( 98%)
15-May-2017 20:09:35 ............................................................. 6893 / 6939 ( 99%)
15-May-2017 20:09:36 ............................................SS
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Time: 3.62 minutes, Memory: 427.50MB
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 There were 38 failures:
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 1) phpbb_console_user_add_test::test_add_dialog
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that null is not equal to null.
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/console/user/add_test.php:70
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 2) phpbb_files_types_remote_test::test_get_max_file_size with data set #3 ('500M', 'http://phpbb.com/foo/bar.png')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that Array &0 (
15-May-2017 20:09:36     0 => 'REMOTE_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 ) is identical to Array &0 (
15-May-2017 20:09:36     0 => 'URL_NOT_FOUND'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 ).
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/files/types_remote_test.php:116
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 3) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_sub with data set #0 ('page.php', 'start', 95, 10, 10, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...art=20')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :current_page:2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :base_url:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:2:page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:3:page.php?start=20
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:page.php?start=30
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:page.php?start=40
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:page.php?start=80
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:page.php?start=90
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::page.php?start=20
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_prev:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_next:page.php?start=20'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:190
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 4) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_sub with data set #1 ('page.php', 'start', 95, 10, 20, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...art=30')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :current_page:3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :base_url:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:2:page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:3:page.php?start=20
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:page.php?start=30
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:page.php?start=40
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:page.php?start=80
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:page.php?start=90
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::page.php?start=30
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_prev:page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_next:page.php?start=30'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:190
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 5) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_sub with data set #2 (array(array('core_controller', 'core_page_controller')), 'page', 95, 10, 10, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...page/3')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :current_page:2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:2:/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:3:/test/page/3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:/test/page/4
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:/test/page/5
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:/test/page/9
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:/test/page/10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::/test/page/3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_prev:/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_next:/test/page/3'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:190
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 6) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_sub with data set #3 (array(array('core_controller', 'core_page_controller')), 'page', 95, 10, 20, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...page/4')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:per_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:current_page:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :current_page:3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:2:/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:3:/test/page/3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:/test/page/4
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:/test/page/5
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:/test/page/9
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:/test/page/10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::/test/page/4
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_prev:/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 :u_next:/test/page/4'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:190
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 7) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_double_nested with data set #0 ('page.php', 'start', 95, 10, 10, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...art=20')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current_page:2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:base_url:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:2:page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:3:page.php?start=20
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:page.php?start=30
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:page.php?start=40
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:page.php?start=80
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:page.php?start=90
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::page.php?start=20
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_prev:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_next:page.php?start=20'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'pagination'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:210
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 8) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_double_nested with data set #1 ('page.php', 'start', 95, 10, 20, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...art=30')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current_page:3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:base_url:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:page.php
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:2:page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:3:page.php?start=20
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:page.php?start=30
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:page.php?start=40
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:page.php?start=80
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:page.php?start=90
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::page.php?start=30
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_prev:page.php?start=10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_next:page.php?start=30'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'pagination'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:210
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 9) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_double_nested with data set #2 (array(array('core_controller', 'core_page_controller')), 'page', 95, 10, 10, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...page/3')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current_page:2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:2:/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:3:/test/page/3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:/test/page/4
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:/test/page/5
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:/test/page/9
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:/test/page/10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::/test/page/3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_prev:/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_next:/test/page/3'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'pagination'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:210
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 10) phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_double_nested with data set #3 (array(array('core_controller', 'core_page_controller')), 'page', 95, 10, 20, 'pagination\n                                :per_page:10\n        ...page/4')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'pagination
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:per_page:10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current_page:3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:base_url:
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:previous::/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:1:/test
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:2:/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:current:3:/test/page/3
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:4:/test/page/4
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:5:/test/page/5
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:ellipsis:9:/test/page/9
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:else:10:/test/page/10
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:next::/test/page/4
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_prev:/test/page/2
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -:u_next:/test/page/4'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'pagination'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php:210
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 11) phpbb_template_template_events_test::test_event with data set #6 ('EVENT with subloop in loop', 'ext_trivial', array('silver'), 'event_subloop.html', array(), array(array(array()), array(array())), array(), 'event_loop[0[subloop:0]]')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing event_subloop.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'event_loop[0[subloop:0]]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'event_loop[0]event_loop[1]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_events_test.php:127
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 12) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #13 ('loop.html', array(), array(array(array(), array()), array(array()), array(array(), array())), array(), 'loop\nloop\nloop\nloop\nloop#0-bl...lock#1')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'looplooplooplooploop#0-block#0loop#0-block#1loop#1-block#0loop#1-block#1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'looplooplooplooploop#0-block#0loop#0-block#1loop#1-block#0loop#1-block#1loop#2-block#0loop#2-block#1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 13) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #17 ('loop_twig.html', array(), array(array(array(), array()), array(array()), array(array(), array())), array(), 'loop\nloop\nloop\nloop\nloop#0-bl...lock#1')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_twig.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'looplooplooplooploop#0-block#0loop#0-block#1loop#1-block#0loop#1-block#1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'looplooplooplooploop#0-block#0loop#0-block#1loop#1-block#0loop#1-block#1loop#2-block#0loop#2-block#1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 14) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #20 ('loop_vars.html', array(), array(array(array('x'), array('y')), array(array(), array())), array(), 'first\n0 - a\nx - b\nset\n1 - a\ny... inner')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_vars.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'first0 - ax - bset1 - ay - bsetlast0 - c1 - clast inner'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'first0 - ax - bset1 - ay - bset2 - a- b3 - a- blast'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 15) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #23 ('loop_vars_twig.html', array(), array(array(array('x'), array('y')), array(array(), array())), array(), 'first\n0 - a\nx - b\nset\n1 - a\ny... inner')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_vars_twig.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'first0 - ax - bset1 - ay - bsetlast0 - c1 - clast inner'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'first0 - ax - bset1 - ay - bset2 - a- b3 - a- blast'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 16) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #26 ('loop_nested2.html', array(), array(array(array(), array()), array(array(), array())), array(), 'o0o1m01m11')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested2.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'o0o1m01m11'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'o0o1o2o3'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 17) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #27 ('loop_nested2_twig.html', array(), array(array(array(), array()), array(array(), array())), array(), 'o0o1m01m11')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested2_twig.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'o0o1m01m11'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'o0o1o2o3'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 18) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #34 ('include_loop.html', array(), array(array(array('include_loop1.html')), array(array('include_loop1.html'), array('include_loop2.html'), array('include_loop3.html'))), array(), '1\n_1\n_02\n_3')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing include_loop.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'1_1_02_3'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'11023'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 19) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #47 ('loop_nested_multilevel_ref.html', array(), array(array(array('x'), array('y')), array(array('z'), array('zz'))), array(), 'top-level content\nouter x\nout...ner zz')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested_multilevel_ref.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'top-level contentouter xouter yinner zfirst rowinner zz'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'top-level contentouter xouter youter zouter zz'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 20) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #48 ('loop_nested_multilevel_ref_twig.html', array(), array(array(array('x'), array('y')), array(array('z'), array('zz'))), array(), 'top-level content\nouter x\nout...ner zz')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested_multilevel_ref_twig.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'top-level contentouter xouter yinner zfirst rowinner zz'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'top-level contentouter xouter youter zouter zz'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 21) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #49 ('loop_nested_deep_multilevel_ref.html', array(), array(array(array()), array(array()), array(array('z'), array('zz'))), array(), 'top-level content\nouter\nmiddl...ner zz')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested_deep_multilevel_ref.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'top-level contentoutermiddleinner zfirst row of 2 in innerinner zz'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'top-level contentouterouterouterouter'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 22) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #50 ('loop_nested_deep_multilevel_r...g.html', array(), array(array(array()), array(array()), array(array('z'), array('zz'))), array(), 'top-level content\nouter\nmiddl...ner zz')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested_deep_multilevel_ref_twig.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'top-level contentoutermiddleinner zfirst row of 2 in innerinner zz'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'top-level contentouterouterouterouter'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 23) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #55 ('loop_nested_include.html', array(), array(array(array('bar'), array('bar1')), array(array('works'))), array(), '[bar|[bar|]][bar1|[bar1|[bar1|works]]]', array())
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested_include.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'[bar|[bar|]][bar1|[bar1|[bar1|works]]]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'[bar|[bar|]][bar1|[bar1|]][|[|]]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 24) phpbb_template_template_test::test_template with data set #56 ('loop_nested_include_twig.html', array(), array(array(array('bar'), array('bar1')), array(array('works'))), array(), '[bar|[bar|]][bar1|[bar1|[bar1|works]]]', array())
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Testing loop_nested_include_twig.html
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'[bar|[bar|]][bar1|[bar1|[bar1|works]]]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'[bar|[bar|]][bar1|[bar1|]][|[|]]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test_case.php:174
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:547
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 25) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #0 ('outer', array('before'), false, 'insert', 'outer - 0 - before\nouter - 1\n...le - 1', 'Test inserting before on top ... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 26) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #1 ('outer', array('after'), true, 'insert', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -... after', 'Test inserting after on top l... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 27) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #2 ('outer', array('pos #1'), 1, 'insert', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -...le - 1', 'Test inserting at 1 on top level block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 28) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #3 ('outer', array('changed'), 0, 'change', 'outer - 0 - changed\nmiddle - ...le - 1', 'Test changing at 0 on top level block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 29) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #4 ('outer', array('changed'), array(2), 'change', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -...le - 1', 'Test changing at KEY on top l... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 30) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #5 ('outer.middle', array('before'), false, 'insert', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -...le - 2', 'Test inserting before on midd... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 31) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #6 ('outer.middle', array('after'), true, 'insert', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -... after', 'Test inserting after on middl... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 32) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #7 ('outer[1].middle', array('pos #1'), 1, 'insert', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -...le - 1', 'Test inserting at 1 on middle... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 33) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #8 ('outer[].middle', array('changed'), 0, 'change', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -...le - 1', 'Test changing at beginning of... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 34) phpbb_template_template_test::test_alter_block_array with data set #9 ('outer.middle', array('changed'), array(1), 'change', 'outer - 0\nmiddle - 0\nmiddle -...hanged', 'Test changing at beginning of... block')
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0middle - 0middle - 1outer - 1middle - 0middle - 1outer - 2middle - 0middle - 1'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0outer - 1outer - 2outer - 3outer - 4outer - 5outer - 6outer - 7outer - 8'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:838
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 35) phpbb_template_template_test::test_more_alter_block_array
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0[outer|3]middle - 0[middle|1]outer - 1[outer|3]middle - 0[middle|2]middle - 1[middle|2]outer - 2[outer|3]middle - 0[middle|3]middle - 1[middle|3]middle - 2[middle|3]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0[outer|9]outer - 1[outer|9]outer - 2[outer|9]outer - 3[outer|9]outer - 4[outer|9]outer - 5[outer|9]outer - 6[outer|9]outer - 7[outer|9]outer - 8[outer|9]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:862
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 36) phpbb_template_template_test::test_find_key_index
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0 - zero[outer|4]outer - 1 - one[outer|4]middle - 0 - 1A[middle|1]outer - 2 - two[outer|4]middle - 0 - 2A[middle|2]middle - 1 - 2B[middle|2]outer - 3 - three[outer|4]middle - 0 - 3A[middle|3]middle - 1 - 3B[middle|3]middle - 2 - 3C[middle|3]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0 - zero[outer|10]outer - 1 - one[outer|10]outer - 2 - 1A[outer|10]outer - 3 - two[outer|10]outer - 4 - 2A[outer|10]outer - 5 - 2B[outer|10]outer - 6 - three[outer|10]outer - 7 - 3A[outer|10]outer - 8 - 3B[outer|10]outer - 9 - 3C[outer|10]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:904
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 37) phpbb_template_template_test::test_delete_alter_block_array
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring template is built correctly before modification
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0 - zero[outer|4]outer - 1 - one[outer|4]middle - 0 - 1A[middle|1]outer - 2 - two[outer|4]middle - 0 - 2A[middle|2]middle - 1 - 2B[middle|2]outer - 3 - three[outer|4]middle - 0 - 3A[middle|3]middle - 1 - 3B[middle|3]middle - 2 - 3C[middle|3]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0 - zero[outer|10]outer - 1 - one[outer|10]outer - 2 - 1A[outer|10]outer - 3 - two[outer|10]outer - 4 - 2A[outer|10]outer - 5 - 2B[outer|10]outer - 6 - three[outer|10]outer - 7 - 3A[outer|10]outer - 8 - 3B[outer|10]outer - 9 - 3C[outer|10]'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:942
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 38) phpbb_template_template_test::test_assign_block_vars_array with data set #0 (array(array(array('Test assigning block vars arr...oop 0:'), array('Test assigning block vars arr...oop 1:')), array(array('1st iteration'), array('2nd iteration'), array('3rd iteration'))))
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Ensuring assigning block vars array to template is working correctly
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Failed asserting that two strings are equal.
15-May-2017 20:09:36 --- Expected
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +++ Actual
15-May-2017 20:09:36 @@ @@
15-May-2017 20:09:36 -'outer - 0 - Test assigning block vars array loop 0:outer - 1 - Test assigning block vars array loop 1:middle - 0 - 1st iterationmiddle - 1 - 2nd iterationmiddle - 2 - 3rd iteration'
15-May-2017 20:09:36 +'outer - 0 - Test assigning block vars array loop 0:outer - 1 - Test assigning block vars array loop 1:outer - 2 - 1st iterationouter - 3 - 2nd iterationouter - 4 - 3rd iteration'
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 /data/tests/template/template_test.php:1002
15-May-2017 20:09:36
15-May-2017 20:09:36 FAILURES!
15-May-2017 20:09:36 Tests: 9221, Assertions: 61113, Failures: 38, Skipped: 288, Incomplete: 5.
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Failing task since return code of [/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data --rm -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 /bin/bash -c phpBB/vendor/bin/phpunit --log-junit build/logs/phpunit.xml] was 1 while expected 0
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Error occurred while running Task 'Run tests(10)' of type com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-docker-plugin:task.docker.cli.
15-May-2017 20:09:37 com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskException: Failed to execute task
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.docker.service.RunService.execute(RunService.java:71)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.docker.tasks.cli.DockerCliTask.execute(DockerCliTask.java:60)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.lambda$executeTasks$3(TaskExecutorImpl.java:317)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTaskWithPrePostActions(TaskExecutorImpl.java:246)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTasks(TaskExecutorImpl.java:317)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.execute(TaskExecutorImpl.java:118)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.build.pipeline.tasks.ExecuteBuildTask.call(ExecuteBuildTask.java:74)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.DefaultBuildAgent.build(DefaultBuildAgent.java:216)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.BuildAgentControllerImpl$1.call(BuildAgentControllerImpl.java:139)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.BuildAgentControllerImpl$1.call(BuildAgentControllerImpl.java:130)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.variable.CustomVariableContextImpl.withVariableSubstitutor(CustomVariableContextImpl.java:221)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.BuildAgentControllerImpl.waitAndPerformBuild(BuildAgentControllerImpl.java:129)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.v2.build.agent.DefaultBuildAgent$1.run(DefaultBuildAgent.java:138)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.BambooRunnables$1.run(BambooRunnables.java:51)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper.runWith(ImpersonationHelper.java:31)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper.runWithSystemAuthority(ImpersonationHelper.java:20)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.security.ImpersonationHelper$1.run(ImpersonationHelper.java:52)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Caused by: com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.docker.client.DockerException: Error running Docker run command
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.docker.client.DockerCmd.run(DockerCmd.java:103)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.docker.service.RunService.execute(RunService.java:60)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         ... 17 more
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Caused by: com.atlassian.utils.process.ProcessException: Error executing /usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data --rm -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 /bin/bash -c "phpBB/vendor/bin/phpunit --log-junit build/logs/phpunit.xml"
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.docker.process.DockerTaskProcessService.execute(DockerTaskProcessService.java:60)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.docker.client.DockerCmd.run(DockerCmd.java:99)
15-May-2017 20:09:37         ... 18 more
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Starting task 'Parsing test results produced by script' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1...
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Failing task since 38 failing test cases were found.
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Finished task 'Parsing test results produced by script' with result: Failed
15-May-2017 20:09:37
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.PRnumber} with 4735
15-May-2017 20:09:37
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildResultsUrl} with https://bamboo.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182
15-May-2017 20:09:37
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildResultsUrl} with https://bamboo.phpbb.com/browse/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182
15-May-2017 20:09:37 Starting task 'Set result build status' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
15-May-2017 20:09:37
Beginning to execute external process for build 'phpBB3 - Pull Requests - Build and Test Job #7182 (PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182)'
... running command line:
/bin/sh /home/bamboo/temp/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182-ScriptBuildTask-957890429168755965.sh
... in: /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_planRepository_1_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_shortPlanName=Pull Requests
bamboo_planRepository_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_shortJobName=Build and Test Job
bamboo_planName=phpBB3 - Pull Requests
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_7=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/temp/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182-ScriptBuildTask-5462914413241653498.sh
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_4=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/temp/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182-ScriptBuildTask-1597446187301996834.sh
bamboo_buildPlanName=phpBB3 - Pull Requests - Build and Test Job
bamboo_repository_name=phpBB Ascraeus
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_10=/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data --rm -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 /bin/bash -c phpBB/vendor/bin/phpunit --log-junit build/logs/phpunit.xml
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_11=/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data/build --rm -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing sniff
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_bamboo_docker_plugin_task_docker_cli_12=/usr/bin/docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1:/data --workdir /data/phpBB --rm -e HOME=/home/bamboo -u=991 phpbb:php-5.6 /bin/bash -c php ../composer.phar install --dev; cd ../build; ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing clean prepare
bamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=Build Robot
bamboo_repository_75956235_name=phpBB Ascraeus
15-May-2017 20:09:38 From https://github.com/phpbb/phpbb
15-May-2017 20:09:38 * branch            refs/pull/4735/head -> FETCH_HEAD
15-May-2017 20:09:38       <testsuite name="phpbb_console_user_add_test" file="/data/tests/console/user/add_test.php" tests="3" assertions="9" failures="1" errors="0" time="0.420171">
15-May-2017 20:09:38       <testsuite name="phpbb_files_types_remote_test" file="/data/tests/files/types_remote_test.php" tests="12" assertions="12" failures="1" errors="0" time="8.409102">
15-May-2017 20:09:38         <testsuite name="phpbb_files_types_remote_test::test_get_max_file_size" tests="10" assertions="10" failures="1" errors="0" time="8.182956">
15-May-2017 20:09:38       <testsuite name="phpbb_pagination_pagination_test" file="/data/tests/pagination/pagination_test.php" tests="25" assertions="25" failures="8" errors="0" time="0.442131">
15-May-2017 20:09:38         <testsuite name="phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_sub" tests="4" assertions="4" failures="4" errors="0" time="0.057122">
15-May-2017 20:09:38         <testsuite name="phpbb_pagination_pagination_test::test_generate_template_pagination_double_nested" tests="4" assertions="4" failures="4" errors="0" time="0.291897">
15-May-2017 20:09:38       <testsuite name="phpbb_template_template_events_test" file="/data/tests/template/template_events_test.php" tests="7" assertions="7" failures="1" errors="0" time="0.075762">
15-May-2017 20:09:38         <testsuite name="phpbb_template_template_events_test::test_event" tests="7" assertions="7" failures="1" errors="0" time="0.075762">
15-May-2017 20:09:38         <testsuite name="phpbb_template_template_test::test_assign_block_vars_array" tests="1" assertions="1" failures="1" errors="0" time="0.004022">
15-May-2017 20:09:38   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
15-May-2017 20:09:38                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
15-May-2017 20:09:38
15-May-2017 20:09:38   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
15-May-2017 20:09:38 100   267  100    93  100   174    237    444 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   445
15-May-2017 20:09:38 Finished task 'Set result build status' with result: Success
15-May-2017 20:09:38 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
15-May-2017 20:09:38 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
15-May-2017 20:09:38 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
15-May-2017 20:09:38 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
15-May-2017 20:09:38 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Successfully removed working directory at '/home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/PHPBB3-PR-JOB1'
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Finalising the build...
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Stopping timer.
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Build PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182 completed.
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
15-May-2017 20:09:39 All post build plugins have finished
15-May-2017 20:09:39 Generating build results summary...
15-May-2017 20:09:43 Saving build results to disk...
15-May-2017 20:09:43 Logging substituted variables...
15-May-2017 20:09:43 Indexing build results...
15-May-2017 20:09:43 Finished building PHPBB3-PR-JOB1-7182.
15-May-2017 20:09:43
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.PRnumber} with 4735