Tests pending pull requests

Build: #122 failed Manual run by Build Robot

Test results

  • 7,755 tests in total
  • 1 test failed
  • 15 tests were fixed
  • 277 tests were skipped
  • 3 minutes taken in total.
Existing test failures 1
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
lint_test::test_lint with data set #860 ('/data/tests/../phpBB/phpbb/me...er.php')
PHP lint failed for /data/tests/../phpBB/phpbb/messenger/method/jabber.php:

Fatal error: Void can only be used as a standalone type in /data/tests/../phpBB/phpbb/messenger/method/jabber.php on line 367

Errors parsing /data/tests/../phpBB/phpbb/messenger/method/jabber.php
Failed asserting that 255 matches expected 0.

(1 more lines...)
Fixed tests 15
Status Test Failing since View job Duration
Successful phpbb_console_user_activate_test test_activate with data set #0 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_activate_test test_activate with data set #2 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_activate_test test_activate with data set #4 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_activate_test test_activate with data set #5 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_activate_test test_activate with data set #1 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_activate_test test_activate with data set #3 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_add_test test_add_no_dialog_invalid History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_add_test test_add_dialog History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_add_test test_add_no_dialog History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_delete_test test_delete History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_delete_test test_delete_cancel History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_delete_test test_delete_non_user History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_console_user_reclean_test test_reclean History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_email_parsing_test test_email_parsing with data set #0 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Successful phpbb_email_parsing_test test_email_parsing with data set #1 History
Failing since build #112 (Manual run by Build Robot) Build and Test Job < 1 sec
Skipped tests 100
Status Test Failing since View job
Skipped functional_permission_roles_test functional_permission_roles_test::test_permission_roles History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_bbcode_parser_test test_bbcode_firstpass with data set #40 History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_apcu_driver_test test_cache_sql History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_apcu_driver_test test_purge History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_apcu_driver_test test_get_put_exists History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_apcu_driver_test test_destroy History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_memcached_driver_test test_destroy History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_memcached_driver_test test_get_put_exists History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_memcached_driver_test test_cache_sql History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_memcached_driver_test test_purge History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_redis_driver_test test_destroy History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_redis_driver_test test_get_put_exists History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_redis_driver_test test_cache_sql History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_cache_redis_driver_test test_purge History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_compress_test test_extract_tar with data set #2 History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_compress_test test_compress_tar with data set #2 History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_console_command_thumbnail_test test_thumbnails History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_dbal_db_tools_test test_column_change_with_composite_primary History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_dbal_db_tools_test test_create_index_with_long_name History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_dbal_db_tools_test test_created_column with data set #27 History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_dbal_sql_insert_buffer_test test_multi_insert_enabled_insert_with_flush History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_dbal_sql_insert_buffer_test test_multi_insert_enabled_insert_and_flush History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_dbal_sql_insert_buffer_test test_multi_insert_enabled_insert_all_and_flush History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_extension_metadata_manager_test test_validator_requirements with data set #2 History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_extension_metadata_manager_test test_validator_requirements with data set #3 History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_extension_metadata_manager_test test_validator_requirements with data set #0 History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_attachments_test test_orphaned_attachments History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_bbcodes_test phpbb_functional_acp_bbcodes_test::test_bbcode_error History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_bbcodes_test test_htmlspecialchars History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_groups_test phpbb_functional_acp_groups_test::test_acp_groups_teampage History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_groups_test phpbb_functional_acp_groups_test::test_groups_manage History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_main_test test_acp_database_size History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_main_test test_all_acp_module_links History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_permissions_test test_permissions_tab History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_permissions_test test_forum_permissions_misc History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_permissions_test test_select_user History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_permissions_test phpbb_functional_acp_permissions_test::test_change_permission History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_post_settings_test test_allowed_schemes_links History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_profile_field_test phpbb_functional_acp_profile_field_test::test_add_profile_field History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_registration_test test_submitting_activation_method History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_smilies_test test_htmlspecialchars History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_storage_settings_test test_storage_settings History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_storage_test test_acp_storage_free_space History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_acp_users_test test_founder_deletion History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_auth_test test_board_auth_oauth_setting History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_auth_test test_login_other History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_auth_test test_login History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_auth_test test_logout History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_auth_test test_login_ucp_other_auth_provider History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_auth_test test_acp_login History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_avatar_acp_groups_test phpbb_functional_avatar_acp_groups_test::test_avatar_acp_groups History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_avatar_acp_groups_test test_no_avatar_acp_groups History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_avatar_acp_users_test phpbb_functional_avatar_acp_users_test::test_avatar_acp_users History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_avatar_ucp_groups_test phpbb_functional_avatar_ucp_groups_test::test_avatar_ucp_groups History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_avatar_ucp_users_test phpbb_functional_avatar_ucp_users_test::test_avatar_ucp_groups History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_avatar_ucp_users_test test_display_upload_avatar History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_disabled_test test_disabled_index_global_moderator History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_disabled_test test_disabled_index_admin History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_disabled_test test_disabled_index_local_moderator History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_test test_feed History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_test test_viewforum History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_test test_index History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_test test_viewtopic History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_test test_help_faq History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_browse_test test_help_bbcode History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_controllers_compatibility_test test_feed_compatibility History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_controllers_compatibility_test test_report_compatibility History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_controllers_compatibility_test test_cron_compatibility History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_download_test test_download_softdeleted_topic History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_download_test test_create_post History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_download_test test_download_accessible History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_download_test test_softdelete_post History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_download_test test_download_softdeleted_post History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_download_test test_setup_forums History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_download_test test_softdelete_topic History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_delete_data_pre History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_disable_pre History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_list History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_extensions_catalog_updating_extension History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_extensions_catalog_removing_extension History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_extensions_catalog History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_enable_pre History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_actions History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_extensions_catalog_installing_extension History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_acp_test test_details History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_routing_resources History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_error_ext_disabled_or_404 History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_foo_bar History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_missing_argument History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_login_redirect History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_controller_template_include_js_css History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_exception_should_result_in_500_status_code History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_redirect History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_controller_test test_controller_with_template History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_global_lang_test test_load_extension_lang_globally History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_module_test test_acp History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_module_test test_ucp History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_module_test test_mcp History
Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_extension_permission_lang_test test_auto_include_permission_lang_from_extensions History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job
Skipped phpbb_functional_feed_test test_create_exclude_topic History

Passing on the 3.3.x branch.

Build and Test Job