Build: #566 failed
Job: PHP 8.1 - SQLite failed
Test results
- 7,182 tests in total
- 1 test failed
- 24 tests were fixed
- 242 tests were skipped
- 12 minutes taken in total.
Build 566 has the following 1 errors:There were no new test failures since the previous build.
Status | Test | Failing since | Duration | |
Failing since build #564 (Changes by Marc) | 2 secs | ||
phpbb_notification_group_request_test::test_notifications TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/notification/group_request_test.php on line 66 /data/phpBB/phpbb/path_helper.php:50 /data/tests/notification/group_request_test.php:66 |