Build: #605 failed

Job: PHP 8.1 - SQLite failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Test results

  • 7,203 tests in total
  • 11 tests failed
  • 1 failure is new
  • 242 tests were skipped
  • 13 minutes taken in total.

Build 605 has the following 11 errors: 1 new failure(s) occurred since the previous build.

New test failures 1
Status Test Duration
Collapse Failed phpbb_wrapper_gmgetdate_test test_phpbb_gmgetdate with data set #4 History
< 1 sec
phpbb_wrapper_gmgetdate_test::test_phpbb_gmgetdate with data set #4 ('Antarctica/South_Pole')
Expected second time to be after (or equal to) the previous one
Failed asserting that 1569677784 is equal to 1569681384 or is greater than 1569681384.

Existing test failures 10
Status Test Failing since Duration
phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #0 ('avatar_user.html', array(array('great_avatar.png', 'avatar.driver.upload', 90, 90), 'foo'), array(), array(), '<img class="avatar" src="phpB...oo" />', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #1 ('avatar_user.html', array(array('great_avatar.png', 'avatar.driver.upload', 90, 90), 'foo', true, true), array(), array(), '<img class="avatar" src="phpB...oo" />', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #2 ('avatar_user.html', array(array('', 'avatar.driver.gravatar', 90, 90), 'foo'), array(), array(), '', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #3 ('extension_username_test.html', array('profile', 2, 'admin', 'abcdef', 'lol'), array(), array(), 'phpBB/memberlist.php?;u=2', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #4 ('extension_username_test.html', array('profile', 2, 'admin', 'abcdef', 'lol', ''), array(), array(), ';u=2', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #5 ('extension_username_test.html', array('full', 2, 'admin', 'abcdef', 'lol'), array(), array(), '<a href="phpBB/</a>', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #6 ('extension_username_test.html', array('no_profile', 2, 'admin', 'abcdef', 'lol'), array(), array(), '<span style="color: #abcdef;".../span>', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #7 ('extension_config_test.html', array('allow_avatar'), array(), array(), '1', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #8 ('extension_config_test.html', array('does not exist'), array(), array(), '', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52

phpbb_template_extension_test::test_get_user_avatar with data set #9 ('extension_config_test.html', array('tpl_allow_php'), array(), array(), '', array())
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to phpbb\path_helper::__construct() must implement interface phpbb\request\request_interface, instance of phpbb\filesystem\filesystem given, called in /data/tests/template/extension_test.php on line 52
